Logging In

Not glad that other people are having the same issue. Initially I thought it was my phone only and that it has been compromised.
I've had to be creative to find ways around it but every time I come up with a new way around it, my fix becomes obsolete and I have to find another way. It is frustrating.
Not trying to pile on, just reporting I’m having the same issues (I have an iPhone). I got on through my work computer, I won’t sign into any forum I’m a part of there, but I saw people mentioning the clearing of the cache, and that worked for now.
I haven't had trouble on Safari since emptying my cache four or five times in the span of a few minutes.

It's under the Develop tab for anyone who doesn't know where it is.
Ok, all was good but today logging on problems are back. I have to try to log on to Redmen.com which takes me to the Red.Fans homepage and then I have click on the "New Home" and then I have to go through a series of notices telling me that the site is not safe and then choose to visit it anyway. That was the only way that I could get on today.
Interesting that the issue is only on my IPhone. Computers are good. Just to note, I use Google on the computers and Safari on my IPhone. Maybe I should switch my IPhone to default to Google?
Paul, I'm not complaining. I'm just letting you know what I had to do to log on so that you might get some insight as to what may be wrong. Thank you again for all that you do.