Keeping Up With Old Friends Thread

Glenn is having issues finding a new school.

I'm guessing schools know he is going to need a waiver after re-entering Portal after May 1st -as I noted he signed with GCU and left Portal.

Glenn is having issues finding a new school.

I'm guessing schools know he is going to need a waiver after re-entering Portal after May 1st -as I noted he signed with GCU and left Portal.

Wish him luck Fordham as he seemed like a good guy; but also sounds like he may be asking for more money than the market will bear especially with his waiver situation.
Glenn is having issues finding a new school.

I'm guessing schools know he is going to need a waiver after re-entering Portal after May 1st -as I noted he signed with GCU and left Portal.

Memphis insider said his price tag is out of control
The kid jumps on GCU. Then when Tyon Grant Foster decides to come back he decides to go back into the Portal.

Now it's going to be July and he still doesn't have a school and Memphis has 3 open scholarships and a ton of NIL money and both are desperate but Glenn is being greedy?

Again it is clear Glenn will need a waiver the idea that signing with a school still allows you to stay in the Portal is nonsense. And assuming he signed then that means he re-entered and after May 1.
I thought we sold that property a few years ago and we're moving to a small satellite location in Hauppauge or similar ?