While I give Cragg a little more credit than Marillac, I lean more towards his opinion than Beasts.
The big change is obviously Pitino. But it is fair to question if it was not for Fr. Shanley, would Cragg have made such a move. I do not think so. He was hitched to Anderson succeeding more than most.
Now that the basketball program is in hall of fame hands, Cragg can concentrate on fixing the other programs which have fallen badly. It should be less taxing than SJU’s flagship program.
Soccer and baseball have past successes to build from.
My post is a counter-post. What i would say is that very few people are aware of how this all went down and I won't share some details, but there is no way any AD can unilaterally fire a coach with that much time remaining on his deal. Even Shanley needed approval from the BOT for all steps involved. There were some radical shifts along the way and in the end most key players were in alignment, including Shanley, Cragg, and the BOT, especially the chair.
The season fell apart in phases, small cracks developed into major structural fissures. What began a a typically slow start to the BE season began form a hole we wouldn't climb out of. When that was apparent the initial reaction was CMA would get a season to redeem himself. When visibly Curbelo and Pinzon transformed into Barnum and Bailey, enough crap was happening to form the inevitable decision to move on.
I remember having a conversation with a couple of people very very close to the situation when the team had not yet imploded but the season looked shot. I questioned whether Mike would be strong enough to consider a change if the high hoped season completely fell apart. I was assured he most certainly would.
Shanley certainly seized the lead as it is within his authority but although he is getting (and not shunning) all the credit, it was a much bigger process whereby a sizeable mix of midmajor successful coaches and high level big conference guys were considered by a small team including all key players (Shanley, Cragg and some BOT members) was assembled. I can assure you Pitino was not considered early on, and his inclusion was an evolution of events.
All I would say is that on here this board often simplifies based on lack of knowledge and creates heroes and villains. Almost certainly there is a certain glee in defaming and villifying at times greater than celebrating good stuff - like the Pitino hire.
All corporations, public and private, including universities, are all really teams. To function well all major components have to work well together. In the case of the Pitino hire, it was a team effort not without some considerable missteps.
Our fans think of an AD as a coach of coaches and measure success simply by wins and losses. Here that is reduced 95% to men's basketball. In reality the AD's job is so much bigger than that, from interfacing with institutional advancement, to marketing arms, to ticket management, and game day prep, tv contracts, sponsorships, donor clubs like red whie and champions club, to engaging and attracting students and fans, managing and improving facilities, supporting all 18 teams at games, and perhaps most of all caring for and managing academic and personal needs of some 400 student athletes.
You may think Cragg is doing or not doing a good job, but without knowledge of the position it is all just fan board blather.
I would suggest if anyone has concerns, engage Cragg directly. He will willingly discuss any aspect of sju athletics with any fan, which I'm certain distinguishes him from 99% of athletic directors. He can be reached at
craggm@stjohns.edu and i guarantee he will respond to your concerns.