Maybe move this to soccer thread. I was under the impression that Masur is a top coach.
From SJU bio:
What makes you think
Hey Sly, I was so annoyed at myself, because I wasn't sure I would be asked to sign but brought along gold and silver fine point indelible Sharpie markers if I got the chance. When called up to sign, I completely forgot about them and instead used a fat black marker provided. Being left handed it's easy to smudge what I sign, and the fat marker made it more difficult. I gave it my best though. Really was an honor to do that, especially when I saw the girder go into place, guided and secured by iron workers such as my dad. Most of us who attended SJU were among the first in our families to get college degrees. Being able to afford a private Catholic education at a cost far less than area Catholic colleges has created a debt of gratitude which little by little I hope to repay.