Not really/ But I'm about to go xmas shopping in the city which means I might stop at rolf's on 3rd ave again for their potent egg nog. That will make me feel better for surePut me in the looney crowd. I can take losses ( I'm a freaking st johns fan so I'm used to most of them by now ). I can even chalk up that first disgusting blowout loss in the exhibition game to the Division 10 team as our guys just started playing together and the staff just starting to coach together.
But when you get blown out not even competitive to Fordham then lose by what seemed like 100 something points in hawaii the first game then get blown out not even competitive to a team I never even heard of before the season started on your home floor then I'm sorry but the anger after a loss like that is warranted in my opinion.
I fully expect a shitload of losses come big east time and I'll be ok with it unless we go o for the conference but losses like last night are beyond anger level for me personally
Ok I vented.
Hope you feel better.
I admire a man with a plan!! Enjoy