IMO (and that of many others), Regis is the best academic catholic high school in the country. So you'll get no arquement from me on that. Furthermore, Regis students are not just scholars, they are extremely well rounded. Having high grades in elementary school is a must for acceptance(Regis also has its own entrance exam) , but by no means is it the only criteria.Sorry, Monte, Regis academically in a class if its own. Special test and if you go there, every student gets a scholarship and a likely Ivy acceptance.
Regis is also a pipeline school to HC. Xavier is a great school too, like Xaverian in Bklyn, and FP in the Bronx. (And Bklyn Prep when it was still around in Bklyn.) All, except, Xaverian taught by the Jesuits.
It's fair to compare Xavier to FP, although I'd still give Xavier the slight nod. But Xaverian is nowhere near the same level academically as the other two. I'm not sure that it ever was, although it was definitely better when we were growing up. No disrespect meant to any Xaverian alum on here....or to Chris Mullin.