Not "getting" the let's hire Mike Rice movement. However knowledgeable Rice might be, is adding a former Division I HC -- and volatile one at that -- to CM's staff a good idea, especially after the ill-fated (and costly) ego-driven Mullin/Slice split. Given their personalities, seems to me that hiring Rice would be a potential disaster. And as a recruiter, no doubt his reputation would precede him. Would you want your kid to commit to a guy who's widely perceived as both both physically and psychologically abusive? I don't think so. I'm all for second chances, and I think Rice deserves one and knows the game better than most -- but would prefer that that he proves he's changed at another Division 1 program.
Parents already letting their kids play for Rice and they are even younger than college kids. Plus he would be an assistant and Mullin would be there to oversee and it seems Chris has not even raised his voice to a player in the two years he has been coaching.
What gets lost in all the shuffle with the Rice stint at Rutgers is the lack of complaints by the players who played for him, the ones who who were supposedly "abused." I won't discuss opinions on this because I perfectly well understand his behavior is totally unacceptable in today's world. I am not sure that makes for a better world though. Life's best lessons are learned by dealing with adversity and understanding life isn't fair or always easy. However, I come from a completely different generation, one where you stood your ground and fought, not run to "Mommy".
I don't think we're talking about the same thing. I respect discipline and "manning up" (probably not PC to even use that term any more) but you are not teaching discipline when you yourself are not disciplined. It is one thing to be passionate and intense and another to be an out of control lunatic. I had a coach grab one of my teammates by the hair and drag him out of the gym by his hair. (way) Back then I thought -
what an A-hole. I still think that, but don't feel the same way about other coaches who did things that would not be acceptable today. Even if you get past the beaning players with balls and grabbing and shoving them. A grown man in a leadership position over young people and representing a large, public, educational institution in one of its most prominent roles, using homophobic slurs in the 21st century is not in control of himself. I've got nothing against the guy but even if he's permanently past all that, I still don't get the desire to hire him.