Uh oh. Mullin sitting in the scirers table again
I'm using my ear plugs. Maher is yelling at him
If mullin spent as much time coaching during the game as he does flapping his feet sitting on the scorers table we night not be embarrassed on the floor as bad
Sorrry guys but this will continually piss me off with that lazy ass look sitting on the table
Sorry for final four fans from years ago but that's just how I feel
On the bright side as now everyone in 114 now knows desco comes to games with dress shirts to impress undeath his st johns game day jersey so not only does he talk the talk but he backs it up
Dress shirt under Jersey is a terrible look. Also anyone over 35 should no longer be allowed to wear jersey's
Hey We Are SJU, don't knock it till you've seen it on me! I wear my colors proudly.
By the way, 114 crowd... did you guys notice I won the $50 to Stout last night? So at least something good came out of that blowout. A few more beers for the Descos
On the table-sitting... I can see why it sets off Maher and some others. It's a perception. You're the schools most visible representative, you're regularly on national tv... it wouldn't kill a coach to act as professionally as possible.
I know, I know .. Bob Huggins wears track suits and is drunk. Knight threw chairs and he's a Hall of Famer.
But that doesn't mean there's not a more respectful way to do the job.
I think coach's attire, comments, and body language need to all be considered in context. Lavin wore sweats to a Big East conference photo in which all the other coaches wore suits. That's a bad look. He was gaining a reputation for not attending as many local HS games as he should have been. And then there were rumors that he showed up to Alumni Hall moments before tipoff. All together it gave the impression that he didn't value his job.
Mullin hasnt shown that. For the most part he's acted like a pro.
Only have a couple fashion rules that I live by:
1. NO dress shirt underneath a jersey
2. Unless for a good cause sneakers with dress pants, look terrible
3. Black dress socks with shorts is a no no
4. Unless you are Will Hunting's best friend Chuckie and you are trying to get a cash retainer, no white sweat socks with a suit
5. Unless you are a mob boss no track suites
6. Sun glasses inside make you look like a douche unless trying to hide a black eye, in church for a funeral mass or playing in a poker tournament
7. Never wear a jersey with your own name on the back unless your last name is the same as a player on that team.
8. NEVER wear short sleeve dress shirts
9. Pull your pants up, no one wants to see your underwear
10. Don't care how old you are your pants should never be above your belly button