Ex STJ Dean on Trial For Stealing From University

When you read detalis regarding Harrington's dealings and relationship with Dr. Chang then you can understand why St.John's has not distinguished itself in a more positive manner during his tenure as President

Harrington embarrassed himself and St.John's University through his dealings with Dean Chang. Harrington should do the honorable thing and immediately resign as President of St.John's University.
I think the Persident of Penn State University should demonstrate some leadership by resigning first; however, PSU's guy is only responsible for covering up the rapes and abuse of perhaps dozens of young boys but that, of course does not rise to the level of raising millions of dollars from Taiwan through the recommended StJ representative of that same government and dealing with that representatives recommendations.
I've done business in China and Taiwan. Start with this: it is a different culture that Americans are learning. Gifting is essential to the business relationship; refusal in most cases is insulting.