Docuseries Pitino: Red Storm Rising to Premiere February 11, Exclusively on VICE

Ep 2 in the books. Compelling.

A nit pick, pointed out by OLV72 to us in our group text.

RP says he grew up on E. 26th Street in Manhattan, just blocks from the Garden. Rick is 72, the Garden back then was the "old" Garden not the one down the street on 33rd Street like it is now. Eight Ave. between 49 and 50th Streets.

After watching Ep 2 how can anyone not LOVE Zuby, the back story about his families is so touching. His Pops seems so genuine and the reason behind us getting Zub.

Rick sitting around in the coffee shop and busting chops with his "guys", who doesn't relate to that.

I was weary, but I love this show, almost as much as Monte's Bound By Bushwick.

So Looie born and lived in Manhattan and so did Rick, two paisanos, “Cent'anni" !!!
Good catch on Rick, Mrs. IDRAFT, who grew up in Hell's Kitchen and used to Ice Skate at the "old" Garden as a kid jumped all over that. I told her to let him have it, Ricks stories are all more docudrama than documentary style.
I did not know about Rick's child. That was a tough experience for him & his wife.
I recall that. I remember after the game they lost, an article that mentioned after Pitino finished his interviews going to get his wife and how they both looked exhausted and making a comment on not being able to imagine what they had been through. I felt for them and wondered now what happens now that season was over, and that “distraction” was no longer there to take their minds off their tragedy for even just a little while.
I purchased the series on Amazon Prime. Episode 2 isn't there yet. Does anyone know when Amazon Prime will have the episodes available?
As to Garden location it was close to his home on 26th St. as it was on East 26th Street and Madison Avenue (until 1925 when it moved uptown).