DePaul (UBS), Tue., Feb. 6, 6:30p, FS-1

Before the season started, there was a contingent on this board clamouring for us to play alot of our home games at UBS arena, some even asked for it to be made our permanent home court. Anyone still feel that way?
Scheduling DePaul there on a Tuesday night is like a punishment to UBS. Playing DePaul at Carnesecca would not sell out, and would maybe get 7k-8k at the Garden.

I don’t mind a game or two at UBS, but never as a permanent home court. Just the thought of that is pure folly.
The train is a very convenient way of getting to the game from points east on LI. The problem last night is that there were extra trains going east from UBS after the game, but they weren't listed in the boards inside the arena or the LIRR app. If you are going to have the extra trains, you have to let people know.

The App said there was an 8:25ish and a 9:38ish going back to Huntington, but there were at least 2 additional trains to Huntington between those times.
Oh wow I didn’t know that
Not that anyone cares, but I will make my appearance at UBS for Seton Hall.

My commute to UBS from the city and back is pretty good, but I am just meh on weeknight games. I am an Islanders fan who usually avoids weeknight games at UBS too.
I'm going as well, the day off on Monday definitely helped the equation there.
I'm now convinced that Cragg's nephew must have a stake in UBS.

There is NO reason to play another game in this sorry sack of a building.

Same with Barclays.

St. John's should play in only TWO locations: MSG or CA.

That is your base. That is your brand. That gives you the best shot at winning, recruiting and generating buzz.
I was looking for two things out of this game. Hit 3s and win going away, job done. You can’t hit 2-3 three pointers a game and win the way the game is played now. We need to take and make more to have a less slim margin for error. I think you’ll see us do a bit more of both the next few games. Side note I really like UBS as an arena but it was like a morgue for both games. Let’s see how it is for Seton Hall on a weekend and an actual good matchup. If it’s the same probably time to go back to the drawing board for next year.
I'm now convinced that Cragg's nephew must have a stake in UBS.

There is NO reason to play another game in this sorry sack of a building.

Same with Barclays.

St. John's should play in only TWO locations: MSG or CA.

That is your base. That is your brand. That gives you the best shot at winning, recruiting and generating buzz.
It was pitino’s decision, not Cragg. He even admitted so in his presser last night
A lot of fans complain about Carnesecca- no room, seats are not comfortable, tough to get to at 630, concessions stink.

The school heard the feedback and provided another option. People will find anything to complain about. I enjoyed my time last night, took LIRR, and it was easy.
I love Carnesecca. We should play every game there. We started losing the minute our CA portion of the schedule ended.
The Venue context. Most of our games should always be at MSG. On occasion, to sprinkle in the DePaul, Butler, Xavier, Crieghton or Providence games that makes sense at Carnesecca Area in addition to the out-of-conference slate that is not a larger program. Its good to have a rowdy crowd with students and such for those big east teams. That being said, the arena should undergo some serious renovations for the upper level it's like HS seating and like what was previously said, the concessions are lousy.

I wrote to Cragg on pushing for a basketball hall of fame museum on campus but of course did not receive a response.

UBS - its a nice arena, I get 1 or 2 games there but DePaul was silly to play there and so is Seton Hall. The couple teams to play us there should be from the bank above outside of Seton Hall and DePaul. Seton Hall should be MSG (to sell alot of tickets) or CA (if we want the home court advantage and get the W). That being said this year UBS may be more favorable to us against Seton Hall I doubt many NJ fans haul it to UBS.
Ridiculous. He's fine off the pass. He's fine off the dribble. He's fine early in the shot clock. He's fine late in the shot clock. He's fine passing to Soriano. He's fine when he's not. He's fine shooting 3's...2's...1's. He's fine playing defense. He's just fine, period. He's our best player virtually every game now and the entire world knows it cept for a Mordecai Brown handful of posters on this minute section of the interweb.
I feel like I am reading a dr suess book. As i have state before I wish he would feed Joel more and stop the dribble across 1/2 court and hoist up a 3.
It was pitino’s decision, not Cragg. He even admitted so in his presser last night
Can't be mad at Pitino for the idea. If any of us complaining right now were sitting in a meeting with Pitino last March, and heard him go "we need to expand our reach, play more home games at MSG, and even a few games at UBS to maximize our LI alum base" we would all be nodding along. Cause the thought process behind it is smart. Thinking like a business man.

Unfortunately, you make a decision like that, you run the risk of it not working out. Especially in year one. The way I see it, games at a UBS are a nice treat for LI'ers, if the DEMAND to see St. John's is there. Right now, we haven't built that goodwill. I'd revisit the idea of playing at UBS after a couple sweet sixteen appearances, or one final four appearance, give or take.
UBS would serve as more than a viable venue for future games if we become a top 25 program and fans fill the seats. Keep MSG for UConn, Nova, GT, etc. But could easily see the place being filled nicely for Creighton, Xavier, etc when both teams are good.
I think you give UBS (Xavier or Creighton) and Barclays (Seton Hall -- fuck them playing MSG) 1 weekend game per year and that's it. Rest goes to CA or MSG.