You knew it was going to happen MJ. I still don't think it makes him an automatic UK guy. Lots of good players will choose other schools. Let's also hope UK continues to grab other kids... ;-)[/quo
UK is listed with I think the top 5 kids in 13 and the top player in 14 who might reclassify to 13. They are in line to land the best class ever. Let's hope the twins go to umd and pa rker decides to to head to duke or msu.
Now that the NCAA has finished with Penn State football, it is a good time to look into Kentucky basketball!
I have to disagree. High school kids are in love with cal and uk right now. Winning that title did a ton for cal.
At this point I dont think cal needs to cheat anymore. He has an easy sell. Come here win a title and be a lottery pick.
Don't think Cal needs to cheat anymore? LOL!
Kentucky has probably been paying players "under the table" long before Cal.
As for "come here win a title" Cal has only won one....this year. There are many Cal records with a ( ) next to them.
Kentucky has won 3 in the last 35 years. Uconn can make a better claim to players.
GMAN, only five players can start in the game of college basketball and they have to click and share the ball. Most 4 star players do not want to sit on the bench so Cal will get his 5 star talent but my point was that from Memphis to UK, with the best talent in America, he was only able to win one title while stuttering Jim did it 3 times in the past 12 years with lesser talent. He relies on 5 star talent that are NBA-Ready but cannot get drafted as yet so his ability to get players to the NBA is bogus! I am not sure he is a good teacher or developer of talent.
Heck, Cal even signed Enes Kanter, the young Turk who was already playing in the pro league for compensation in Europe!
But Kentucky basketball is unique and special and like Duke, North Carolina and Kansas, basketball is king on campus and college football is just a sport to pass time until the basketball season begins.