Completely agree with bolded section above but greed rules everything and fear my favorite sport (college hoops) is going to the dogs based on the almighty dollar. Just thankful I've gotten to enjoy it as many years as I have is the glass half full take I guess.Expanding the tournament devalues everything prior to the tournament. Remember how amped up we were for the SHU game thinking we'd be in with a win and out with a loss? That's what makes college basketball great. Now those win and in situations will happen for the 9th place team in the Big East going forward. For everybody else, individual games would matter less than an individual NBA regular season game which would kill college basketball especially with so many rivalries being dissolved by conference realignment.
The only thing that needs to change about the tournament is the committee and defining clearer measurables for selection/seeding. The committee clearly does not factor in the Saturday or Sunday games when making the bracket and probably doesn't factor in most of Friday games either. They are wildly inconsistent about which metrics they value and which they don't and even contradict themselves when explaining themselves after the bracket is revealed.
It's also completely impossible for a group of university Athletic Directors and Conference Commissioners to be even a little bit unbiased in their process. I'm also highly dubious of the claim that these committee members "watch a lot of basketball throughout the course of the season".
I'd be far more comfortable with 10-15 of the bracketology Twitter nerds actually doing the selection than the committee as currently constructed.