(BET) (AP #2) #1 Connecticut, Fri., Mar. 15, 5:30p, FOX

I feel like Hurley’s wife must walk around their House like Julia Roberts in Sleeping with Enemy. I hate this propecia clown. His brother was one of my favorite players growing up. But this pillow bitter needs to be dealt with. Repole Vs Dimeo we’re going to spend. Rick is heaping praise right now but Daniella and their fans going out like there boy Frank Piccolo!
They should donate $1m to us in Hurley's name
Ran into Stephon Castle’s family on the way to my seats. Nice group of people, told them I wanted the Knicks to pick him this upcoming draft.
Just finished watching. We needed one more player to step up after jenkins and dingle but no one could.

I thought Brady and Zuby should have gotten much more minutes then they did in the 2nd half.

Oh well. The good news is we wont see another team that talented unless we run into uconn or houston in the tournament.
Maybe it's just me but Clingan appears to be their weakest starter.
But most impactful. His presence changes the entire game. Even on those handoffs he clears an unbelievable amount of space and is so steady after a scramble.

Newton is not my kid of PG but I still love his game. He’s a team-first guy.

It’s bizarre how well they all gel. Karaban could be scoring 20 a night if he wanted to make it about himself.
I’m pissed we lost but the reality is last nights game made it much more palatable and if you would have told me UConn wouldn’t miss a shot I’d have thought we lose by 20. Not even going to sweat out this bubble stuff. It is what it is I’ll be booking airline ticket somewhere Sunday night
You're the gold standard as a fan and board social coordinator! We're as lucky to have you as we are to have Daniss and Pitino!