(BET) (AP #2) #1 Connecticut, Fri., Mar. 15, 5:30p, FOX

I think he’s Tristan Newton’s cousin….
Thanks didn’t know that. It was a weird moment for me. I’m a die hard Packers fan watching the game. Dunlap flies out of bounds and… I’m like I know that face. Announcers don’t say anything and I’m thinking WTF is AJ doing at the game. Especially since he was a surprise cut this week . He’s a good dude but UCONN!? Now it makes sense.
Anyone else rooting for Providence?

Carter hits a layup to cut it to three. MQ calls time out. Some lady with the shrillest yell ever is screaming her head off on national TV
I feel like Hurley’s wife must walk around their House like Julia Roberts in Sleeping with Enemy. I hate this propecia clown. His brother was one of my favorite players growing up. But this pillow bitter needs to be dealt with. Repole Vs Dimeo we’re going to spend. Rick is heaping praise right now but Daniella and their fans going out like there boy Frank Piccolo!