(BET) (AP #2) #1 Connecticut, Fri., Mar. 15, 5:30p, FOX

Garden is electric unit unfortunately more UConn fans that red. But we were ok represented. Can’t really ask for more. We gave up way too many easy looks to such a good team. And only lost by 5. The talent differential made the difference. Dingle and Jenkins were great. I thought Zuby should have gotten more burn in second half. He played great in first. But we will scare some people next week.
So SJU loses by 5 but the “unacceptably out hustled to some loose balls” doesn’t factor? Having your center outfought for big defensive rebounds by guards down the stretch doesn’t factor? In my mind those are HUGE factors because NO TEAM can defend UConn when they shoot like they did today, where you win is by scoring, which we did and not giving them anything through lack of effort, which unfortunately, we did, all too many times. You want to beat a UConn, you GIVE them nothing because they are so good, they are going to earn plenty.

I agree. We just don't have the physical ability to do it. Not a matter of desire or competitiveness, just skill set.

Soriano cannot handle Clingan and isn't fast enough for Johnson. Dingle got roasted by both Spencer and Newton because he just isn't fast enough.

If you want to kill RJ, he deserves it, we got bad RJ today. Jenkins played his ass off. Same with Taylor, Alleyne, Dunlap, Zuby, Ledlum.

If the other kid is a lot faster than you are or a lot taller or a lot more athletic it doesn't mean you aren't trying or competing, it just means you got beat by a better player. In this case a better team - probably the best team in the country.

Now get off my lawn, you cranky old man. 😉🤣
I thought the Gonzaga team 3 years ago was the best offensive team I had seen in a decade or so. They then almost lost to UCLA and then got manhandled by Baylor in the title game.

This UCONN team is awfully close. I honestly don't know how you guard them. You have to play man because they will shoot you out of the building if you go zone. But then you have to chase their shooters around screens for all game and then they run that weak side drag screen and throw the lob to Samson or Clingan.

I said after they beat PC I think Danny built the perfect team.
I said the exact same thing to someone tonight, they are built as the perfect college team.
Joel had seven offensive rebounds. SEVEN. Anyone who says he wasn't trying today is lost.

You wont find anyone more bullish on Zubys future than me. But Joel gave it his all today. He didnt play great, but he wasnt ever going to be a factor against Clingan.
And 2 defensive rebounds, two sides of the court to play on. And Clingan sat more than he played and Soriano still did nothing.
Joel had seven offensive rebounds. SEVEN. Anyone who says he wasn't trying today is lost.

You wont find anyone more bullish on Zubys future than me. But Joel gave it his all today. He didnt play great, but he wasnt ever going to be a factor against Clingan.
Never said he didn’t try but his offense was horrendous, his defense was worse, didn’t get back down the court quick enough to stop layups, was constantly burned by the pick and and roll and had the ball ripped out if his hand on at least two occasions. Anyone who thinks he played a good game doesn’t know the game period.

In terms of being a factor against Clingan, Clingan was hardly in the game, Soriano wasn’t a factor against anyone today.
Hurley: “It was just a fun game to be a part of. Obviously, ultimate respect for Pitino and how good they are in year one. I don’t know what seed they’ll be, but one of the better teams we’ve played, one of the more talented teams, and clearly, an NCAA Tournament team.” #UConn

A SJ dig

Hurley: “I’m probably the boy who cried wolf now. I promise you, if we play Marquette tomorrow, there won’t be no incident because they’re a classy program with classy fans.

Hurley: “We’ve got three more (championships) that we’re trying to get, and we’re gonna treat tomorrow like it’s our Super Bowl.”
loved the fight tonight, but also definitely saw what frustrates @logen so much about this team.

Too many big moments where Cam Spencer fought his way to a loose ball and it would lead to a big momentum shifting bucket

That’s not us being “slow laterally” or “lacking athleticism” it was just us lacking attention to detail.

It’s hard for me to get too much on the guys though, cause defending uconn in of itself looks extremely exhausting and difficult. When you have to deal with a team like that, it becomes harder and harder to get the “little things” done.

Excited for us to potentially get a shot at a 5/6/7 seed and giving them hell