[quote="lawmanfan" post=397137]I hate to contribute further to a thread going off-topic, but I will for the following P.S.A.:
Folks, this just isn't that hard.
1. Avoid indoor gatherings with people you haven't been quarantined with
2. If Rule #1 can't be applied, then keep it as short as possible, stay as far apart as possible, and wear a damn mask.
3. If you're outside, then STILL stay as far apart as possible, and if you're ~6 feet or closer - wear a damn mask.
4. If you have symptoms, or if you think you might have been exposed to an infected person, then quarantine and get tested.
If everyone had followed those instructions from the beginning (you know, like all of the other developed countries in the world), we would probably have about 150,000 fewer dead Americans, the economy would be in much better shape, and we would all be a hell of a lot closer to living more normal lives (and having sports).
We can still start making progress in that direction NOW, while we are waiting for the development of a reliable vaccine or vaccines and more effective treatments that will help speed us on our way to recovery.
From a governmental standpoint, the answer is also not that hard. Send a single, clear consistent message about the individual responsibilities outlined above. Put resources into testing, the mass production of PPE, and vaccine development.
The more you test, the more cases you will find. A lot of those cases will be asymptomatic. Asymptomatic people can still spread the virus. So if you find the cases, you can quarantine them, do contact tracing, and stop the virus from spreading further.
It's true that some populations have higher risk than others. But people in the low-risk populations are the ones who spread it to the high-risk populations. So unless our sense of society and community has completely broken down, we are all in this together.
It's just not that freaking hard.[/quote]
Well said, Lawman. And yep, it just ain't that hard.