Around College Basketball

Ah yes the infamous Rikers Island practice! We rode over in the NY dept of Corrections bus to Rikers, handcuffs and chains on each seat. Got our instructions, walked through the prison. Jailbirds there recognized some of our players …I got yelled at for accepting a Christmas card from a young kid incarcerated to mail to his mother…we practiced a bit till a brawl started in the stands then we got the hell out of there!
Carnesecca implementing his own form of “scared straight.”
It was Christmas time and he and the Corrections Dept thought it was a nice gesture on our part to give back!
Were there several former players that worked at rikers over the years or in corrections or something like that ? Last year this medic in the ambulance ironically as we are talking during a he ride his dad played on St. John’s long time ago pretty sure he said center and I’m almost positive he said something like he had worked at rikers after or corrections and helped steer some former players on that career path
Were there several former players that worked at rikers over the years or in corrections or something like that ? Last year this medic in the ambulance ironically as we are talking during a he ride his dad played on St. John’s long time ago pretty sure he said center and I’m almost positive he said something like he had worked at rikers after or corrections and helped steer some former players on that career path
Yes several went NYPD and Corrections and Transit.
Yes several went NYPD and Corrections and Transit.
The late Lee Green was an NYPD Officer and Darrell Aiken started off at NYPD before moving over to the Hempstead PD (since retired).

We have had a slew of former football players who have gone on to NYPD and/or Nassau County PD and other jurisdictions along with a couple of Team Managers.