[quote="Logen" post=289521][quote="Tom in Salem" post=289517]You worked the wrong day.
Yesterday's game took 90 minutes, during which 7 goals were scored.
And that’s 90 minutes without a single commercial.
Amazing, huh?
If you're an American football fan, which is played with hands and not feet, you probably enjoy the fact that 7 points are awarded for a score, followed by so many commercials you can get a beer AND go to the men’s room.
Soccer only allows 1.
If you're a baseball fan, you enjoy multiple runs scored in different situations given how many runners, who never actually run, watch the ball.
Soccer only allows 1.
Soccer doesn’t allow offensive/defensive substitutions.
The guys in the baseball field, who witness 3 strikeouts, get to rest their weary asses after never having to walk, never mind run.
Football might be easier.
These defensive guys can actually sit for 8 minutes of game time, not counting out of bounds stoppage, more commercials, incomplete passes or replays, all of which probably add up to a half hour of real time.
Yeah, in soccer they have to run the entire 90 minutes.[/quote]
I get it, you like soccer, good for you, I didn’t put the game down, I said I wasn’t a fan. Obviously the only thing you could like more would be a cancer cure or world peace. I apologize for pushing the hottest of your hot buttons. And , oh, for the record, there is an awful out of standing around in soccer while players pass the ball meaninglessly waiting for the clock to run down not to mention all the rest they get when it’s Oscar time, writhing on the ground because someone brushed their uniform sleeve. So spare me the spartan running for 90 minute nonsense.[/quote]
It takes an intelligent mind to appreciate certain sports
There are many statistics comparing sports but none is more revealing than "miles run" during the course of a match. The average miles run by soccer players is anywhere from 7 to 9 miles per game. During that 90 minutes of "nonsense" there are no time outs and time spent "on the ground" is added to the time left to play so there is no "down time" for the players.
How many [strike]miles[/strike] yards are run by your average baseball "athlete"? I find it riveting to sit in the stands for 3 hours to see 2 runs scored.
As for standing around, isn't that what every baseball player is doing 90% of the time during a game?
Riveting indeed!