2024/2025 Roster

He’s more developed as well as more explosive athlete. He’s an excellent shooter as well. He’s more ready than Wilcher because of his scoring ability. From day 1 we knew Wilcher would need some adjustments to become a starting PG. Glover has less in front of him at the SG spot as well.
Hard to see a pathway for him to get minutes, absent injury, unless he surpasses Sim on the depth chart.
Hard to see a pathway for him to get minutes, absent injury, unless he surpasses Sim on the depth chart.
I think it’s Dunlap that will be in his way. If he proves to be an equal shooter, he might not stay behind him long though.
I think it’s Dunlap that will be in his way. If he proves to be an equal shooter, he might not stay behind him long though.
Yeah, in part. I think SF is stacked. RJ, Scott, Dunlap. They will get time at the 4 when we go small. But stil, stacked. At guard, Smith and Kadary wil eat up 60 of the 80 minutes per game. Wilcher will get most of the rest. Glover could cut into Dunlap’s minutes. But that won’t be much.
Undersized PF’s can work in the college game. Chris is a dog and I love how he plays. But, we can’t wait on him. Need to fill this roster. Objectivlely, an athletic 6’8” to 6’10” PF who can stretch the defense would make this team better. Ledlum took 75 theees last year, many open looks. A good shooting PF (around 35%) would get 100-125, and open up the inside for our guards. 35% three point shooting is the equivalent of 50% from 2.
Actually Chris shot 32% from three (not great but not too bad) was second on the team in rebounds, assists, blocks and steals per game. As you say a guy who puts it all out there. Bring him back for 15-20 mpg and I'd be a happy Johnny fan.
Agree we can't wait on him forever. But someone who was following the litigation posted that there might be a decision on May 14th. If staff believes that to be true and they'd like Chris back, no harm continuing to be patient until then while continuing to keep lines of communication open with other targets of interest. All depends on staff's preference of course.
We carried 14 players on last year’s roster. If Dingle doesn’t want to come back — and I’ve read accounts that he does - there’s no reason to wait for Ledlum. He can just climb aboard if everyone is in agreement..
That's just silly. There have been thousands of players in the NBA since Pitino started coaching. I'll wager that the percentage who have played for Pitino is substantially less than .001%. There are great coaches besides Pitino and players who make the NBA without his guidance. These guys want to maximize earnings, as they should and if they are good enough they will make the NBA with or without Pitino's coaching!
As I said twice in my post, it is my opinion as to the strategy Rick is using to sign players. Some will listen and some will move on. It's just me surmising regarding his tactics in order to negate the ridiculous NIL $$$ out there.

There's no need to attempt to belittle others posts because you have a differing opinion. You can just post your opinion. That's the problem with all social media and some on this board these days. Everyone is looking to attack someone because they have a different opinion and they think that their opinion is superior to another. Just chill, bro.

This is exactly why I don't post as often as I would like here and abstain from all other social media. Social media really is the Bain of our society as too many participants use the forums to prove their superiority by bashing others.

There was no need to use the sentence "That's just silly" in order to negate my post. Reread your post without that line and you look like a better person.

Again, I said twice that it was my OPINION that this is Rick's strategy.


(Can I get kudos from Kranmars on paragraphs?) 😜
I know we are looking for PF, but I am wondering how necessary that is. Scott was second on N. Texas in rebounding, but a wide margin. Although Scott is considered a wing, he may be able give us production and hustle like Ledlum did. Plus, with size of Luis, Richmond (who led SH in rebounding last year), Dunlap, and perhaps Lefty, we may be capable of getting/chasing down long rebounds, like Josh Hart. Plus, without another player slotted to start and take more minutes, I am excited to see the step up Dunlap and Wilcher can give, and actually get some contributions from highly regarded freshman like Lefty and Glover. With experience from Scott, Richmond and Smith, I am excited about this roster as currently constituted.
I know we are looking for PF, but I am wondering how necessary that is. Scott was second on N. Texas in rebounding, but a wide margin. Although Scott is considered a wing, he may be able give us production and hustle like Ledlum did. Plus, with size of Luis, Richmond (who led SH in rebounding last year), Dunlap, and perhaps Lefty, we may be capable of getting/chasing down long rebounds, like Josh Hart. Plus, without another player slotted to start and take more minutes, I am excited to see the step up Dunlap and Wilcher can give, and actually get some contributions from highly regarded freshman like Lefty and Glover. With experience from Scott, Richmond and Smith, I am excited about this roster as currently constituted.
Agree - I think there is a lot of rebounding on the presumable starting 5 of Luis, Ejofor, Richmond, Scott and Smith. The board ability of the bench is more questionable but team rebounding is a good way to handle the absence of a true PF. All 3 of the guards are very good rebounders from that position.

One thing I will be looking for from Dunlap this year is development as a rebounder as well. He isn't going to bull anyone out of the way but I think he has potential to be a sneaky good rebounder depending on usage.
Agree - I think there is a lot of rebounding on the presumable starting 5 of Luis, Ejofor, Richmond, Scott and Smith.
knowing that CRP likes to play around 10 players, the bench would be Iwachuka, Glover, Wilcher, Dunlap and Lefty? If he is not sure of how many minutes the freshman should get, then he may think he needs another experienced front court player. that's where Ledlum would fit in nicely. But looking at the court papers in his lawsuit against the NCAA, I'm beginning to doubt he'll get any eligibility.
I know we are looking for PF, but I am wondering how necessary that is. Scott was second on N. Texas in rebounding, but a wide margin. Although Scott is considered a wing, he may be able give us production and hustle like Ledlum did. Plus, with size of Luis, Richmond (who led SH in rebounding last year), Dunlap, and perhaps Lefty, we may be capable of getting/chasing down long rebounds, like Josh Hart. Plus, without another player slotted to start and take more minutes, I am excited to see the step up Dunlap and Wilcher can give, and actually get some contributions from highly regarded freshman like Lefty and Glover. With experience from Scott, Richmond and Smith, I am excited about this roster as currently constituted.
It’s not necessary at all. We have four 6’7 players and two 6’6 players plus the possibility of Ledlum for some beef.

On top of that, we have Zuby at 6’9 250 with great feet to help out with stronger 4s.

It’d be nice to add some shooting back in from the front court from a guy that can play some 4 and 5.
knowing that CRP likes to play around 10 players, the bench would be Iwachuka, Glover, Wilcher, Dunlap and Lefty? If he is not sure of how many minutes the freshman should get, then he may think he needs another experienced front court player. that's where Ledlum would fit in nicely. But looking at the court papers in his lawsuit against the NCAA, I'm beginning to doubt he'll get any eligibility.
Exactly - the only one in that group you assume you can count on for boards is Iwuchukwu. Although of course it won't be 5 on / 5 off so there will always be some help out there.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see a power forward in the group and my minority opinion is that Ledlum would be the best possible option. But we will be OK on the boards.
concern about rebounding PF might be overblown. Last year Rick was concerned about guards not getting board, but we have Smith/Richmond on board who average about 14/game while last year's backcourt averaged 5/game. Concern about Zuby rebounding going from 3/game to reach Joel's 9.5/game.
concern about rebounding PF might be overblown. Last year Rick was concerned about guards not getting board, but we have Smith/Richmond on board who average about 14/game while last year's backcourt averaged 5/game. Concern about Zuby rebounding going from 3/game to reach Joel's 9.5/game.
FWIW, if you compare zuby and Joel over 40 minutes a game, in BE games last year
Joel: 12.8
Zuby: 10.7
concern about rebounding PF might be overblown. Last year Rick was concerned about guards not getting board, but we have Smith/Richmond on board who average about 14/game while last year's backcourt averaged 5/game. Concern about Zuby rebounding going from 3/game to reach Joel's 9.5/game.

If you extrapolate Zubi's RPM to match with Joel's minutes played he'd be up to 7.7 so he's most of the way there already assuming he performs at a similar level to last year. Of course we're all hoping for improvement.
Need a PF because if Zuby gets in serious foul trouble not sure how I feel about Vince back there by himself.