2024/2025 Roster

From Zach: a Rick recap:

Spoke to Rick Pitino about the additions of Kadary Richmond and Deivon Smith. A few quotes.

Comparing them to Peyton Siva and Russ Smith:

"Russ and Peyton were lightning-quick players who were great basketball players and these two guys are great basketball players and so is Siim. We have three great basketball players and we have two freshmen who are going to be great down the road in [top 50 recruit] Jaiden Glover and the young man from Greece [Lefteris Liotopoulos]."
From Zach, Rick on the roster:

On the roster:

"What I wanted more than anything else is to have guys who can put the ball on the floor, pass the ball, score the ball. Be very quick laterally as well as up and down the court to push the pace. When you have RJ, Sim, Brady and these guys we just added - Zuby is a great runner - we're just very athletic now and it's going to be very exciting for the style of play we want to play."

"I think our staff and [general manager] Matt Abdelmassih did a phenomenal job. We said we're going to be patient and wait," Pitino said. "We're very, very excited and we're a power forward away from putting together a great roster."
From Zach: a Rick recap:

Spoke to Rick Pitino about the additions of Kadary Richmond and Deivon Smith. A few quotes.

Comparing them to Peyton Siva and Russ Smith:

"Russ and Peyton were lightning-quick players who were great basketball players and these two guys are great basketball players and so is Siim. We have three great basketball players and we have two freshmen who are going to be great down the road in [top 50 recruit] Jaiden Glover and the young man from Greece [Lefteris Liotopoulos]."
I have respect for how Pitino never even tries to pronounce Lefteris name.
My gut feeling is that Dingle sued more to help Ledlum than to help himself. Think Rick would love another year of Dingle but suspect Dingle is ready to move on to the next level, wherever that may be.
I would be fine with Ledlum coming back but is Rick? Seemed to me most of that unathletic thing was centered towards him, no?
The bull charges to the basket with no elevation were a problem as well, but stopped doing around mid season.
something clicked with Chris mid-season... he seemed much more aware of his Offensive limitations... those head down drives stopped- and Going after the rebounds increased... he seemed (didnt do any analytics) much more efficient the 2nd half of the season.
something clicked with Chris mid-season... he seemed much more aware of his Offensive limitations... those head down drives stopped- and Going after the rebounds increased... he seemed (didnt do any analytics) much more efficient the 2nd half of the season.
I don’t think anything clicked…I think it was just Luis playing and his place on the totem pole getting lowered.
Undersized PF’s can work in the college game. Chris is a dog and I love how he plays. But, we can’t wait on him. Need to fill this roster. Objectivlely, an athletic 6’8” to 6’10” PF who can stretch the defense would make this team better. Ledlum took 75 theees last year, many open looks. A good shooting PF (around 35%) would get 100-125, and open up the inside for our guards. 35% three point shooting is the equivalent of 50% from 2.
Undersized PF’s can work in the college game. Chris is a dog and I love how he plays. But, we can’t wait on him. Need to fill this roster. Objectivlely, an athletic 6’8” to 6’10” PF who can stretch the defense would make this team better. Ledlum took 75 theees last year, many open looks. A good shooting PF (around 35%) would get 100-125, and open up the inside for our guards. 35% three point shooting is the equivalent of 50% from 2.
The biggest problem is that it's May 8. If we don't hit on one of the few proven or semi-proven PFs left, Ledlum is best candidate.

Seems like a 90 percent chance we'll be undersized at that spot anyway so I'm good with the guy we know if we can't come to terms with the USF kid.
Undersized PF’s can work in the college game. Chris is a dog and I love how he plays. But, we can’t wait on him. Need to fill this roster. Objectivlely, an athletic 6’8” to 6’10” PF who can stretch the defense would make this team better. Ledlum took 75 theees last year, many open looks. A good shooting PF (around 35%) would get 100-125, and open up the inside for our guards. 35% three point shooting is the equivalent of 50% from 2.
Agree we can't wait on him forever. But someone who was following the litigation posted that there might be a decision on May 14th. If staff believes that to be true and they'd like Chris back, no harm continuing to be patient until then while continuing to keep lines of communication open with other targets of interest. All depends on staff's preference of course.
Undersized PF’s can work in the college game. Chris is a dog and I love how he plays. But, we can’t wait on him. Need to fill this roster. Objectivlely, an athletic 6’8” to 6’10” PF who can stretch the defense would make this team better. Ledlum took 75 theees last year, many open looks. A good shooting PF (around 35%) would get 100-125, and open up the inside for our guards. 35% three point shooting is the equivalent of 50% from 2.

Actually 33.3% is the equivalent of 50% from 2. ;)

Won't get even into the OR % for long rebounds vs. short rebounds, especially since last year's team OR'ed everything.