[quote="Class of 72" post=279718][quote="richard A Steinfeld" post=279709][quote="SJU85" post=279708][quote="Class of 72" post=279697][quote="MJDinkins" post=279692][quote="SJU14" post=279688][quote="MJDinkins" post=279670][quote="Adam" post=279668][quote="MJDinkins" post=279660][quote="Adam" post=279655]Generally teams have 2-3 transfers a year I think, so hopefully this is it.[/quote]
Really? Where did you calculate those numbers?[/quote]
There's 700-800+ transfers per year and 351 D1 programs, so average would be right in that range.[/quote]
I thought that amount happened a season ago. That wasn't actually the norm, if I'm not mistaken.
I can't count 2-3 per year transferring from any conference teams. It may have happened in a given year, but it isn't the norm.[/quote]
750+ has been the norm for 3-4 years now, unfortunately. Check the link I posted on the previous page of this thread.[/quote]
Okay.... I wasn't sure it had been that long, so I stand corrected. To say each team is losing 2-3 kids a year to the transfer game sounds off, though. I can't recall any team in the Big East who has recently lost 2-3 kids to transfer a year.[/quote]
2-3 seems the norm for schools in the bottom 266 of D1 schools and I'm sure D2 schools have a high number. The top 50 schools rarely lose more than 2 players.
Players leave for many reasons and transfer to schools they feel will give them a better opportunity. In our case, we seem to run the gamut of reasons. Transfers, early signing with European teams, grad transfers and a decommit. We have the worst turnover rate of any school in the Big East over the past two seasons.
Last season we lost 5 players that could have continued to be on the team and this season we will have lost (including Wilson) 4 to date. God forbid we lose Trimble or Ponds that would be another five.
No matter how we spin the reasons that's NINE players in two seasons. That is an obscene number and points to a serious problem with the staff's relationship with its players and vice versa.
I don't think we lost more than 5 players over Lavin's entire 5 years as coach. I'm sure someone will research the actual numbers and show Lavin lost 6 players per year.[/quote]
Off the top of my head, under Lavin we lost Polee, Lyndsay, Harkless (since people are going to include Ponds on this list if he leaves early to go pro, we have to include Harkless let alone we also lost Mussini and Freudenberg who went back home to go pro) and Garrett. I am not a betting man, but if someone actually looks it up, it might turn out to be more than five 72. However your point is taken.[/quote]
" I don’t remember everybody but count Pelle,ADR,Thomas,Thompson , the parking lot transcript guy,,Gathers etc. We lost Lindsey and Stith after 1 semester. That said, the revolving door is a problem. But it is becoming more widespread and we re not the only one w this problem. Hense, the long list of transfers.[/quote]"
If you are going to count players recruited who never registered then you may as well count every recruit offered by Mullin which would make the number astronomical.
Only ADR would count based on registered players. I don't recall Thompson. Refresh my memory.[/quote]
I don't count Pelle or Thomas either, as transfers since they never enrolled or was a part of the team. Maybe, that can be counted as being risky moves, but not as transfers.
Gathers never signed an LOI or enrolled. He reneged after a verbal commitment. Lindsey left after one semester, not Stith. You can only count Lindsey, Stith, and Polee as a transfers. I thought De La Rosa transferred after Lavin was gone.