DieHard Johnny
I hope both teams lose.
I so desperately wanted that during the 1986 World Series, and it didn't work out my way.
My guess is it will not work out my way tonight as well.
LOL. I felt the same way in 1986.
root ag.NY mets bec.?I rooted for 76-77-78 yankee teams even though I was a mets fan that team was gritty w munson pinella nettles etc
in 1986 the mets were the toast of the town with a great team winning with true grit dykstra,backman,wilson straw,&carter
its not like the mets were a rival like the brooklyn dodgers meeting in the 50s in the ws often
the red sox had the biggest jerky in clemens that was the real yankees rival to hate
dont understand why yakee fans hate the mets when they have 2 ws titles thanks to horrible owners in 50yrs & lost to u in 2000
I respect players like jeter & rivera cant hate true pros
guys like reggie & arod are the ones I root ag.