Whitehead Knew Lavin was gone?

Bottom line is mullin is entering year 2 and Lavin had 5 years and they are tied when it comes to NCAA tournament wins with 0 a piece. That's all I care about. So yes let's compare 4 years from now. Cause I for one think mullin will have more then 0 NCAA T wins by that time

Come on, you are using an arbirtrary standard. For this program it should be getting to the dance. Lavin didn't do enough, with 4 out of 5 years having "dance worthy" rosters but delivering only 2 bids. Mullin will be fortunate to deliver 2 or 3 bids in his first five years, but I hope he does.

My post said that's all I care about. Me. Personally. I want to win games in March. So if salty dog wants to compare regular season records in 4 years between Lavin and mullin go ahead. I will be comparing NCAA tournament records, and frankly, big east tournament records, where Lavin went 1-5

Truth is, not only did we not win an NCAA game under Lavin, we didn't come close to winning an NCAA game under Lavin. We also under-performed in the BET. Don't worry Jack, you have 4 years at SJU and the rest of your life to lower the bar in terms of expectations and become a little more jaded. :)
Bottom line is mullin is entering year 2 and Lavin had 5 years and they are tied when it comes to NCAA tournament wins with 0 a piece. That's all I care about. So yes let's compare 4 years from now. Cause I for one think mullin will have more then 0 NCAA T wins by that time

Come on, you are using an arbirtrary standard. For this program it should be getting to the dance. Lavin didn't do enough, with 4 out of 5 years having "dance worthy" rosters but delivering only 2 bids. Mullin will be fortunate to deliver 2 or 3 bids in his first five years, but I hope he does.

My post said that's all I care about. Me. Personally. I want to win games in March. So if salty dog wants to compare regular season records in 4 years between Lavin and mullin go ahead. I will be comparing NCAA tournament records, and frankly, big east tournament records, where Lavin went 1-5

Truth is, not only did we not win an NCAA game under Lavin, we didn't come close to winning an NCAA game under Lavin. We also under-performed in the BET. Don't worry Jack, you have 4 years at SJU and the rest of your life to lower the bar in terms of expectations and become a little more jaded. :)

Or he could have gone to Villanova and relished in the championship aura. I am sure that Villanova's applications have gone up immeasurably and they are reaping in their ROI with Wright. It is a business after-all.
Bottom line is mullin is entering year 2 and Lavin had 5 years and they are tied when it comes to NCAA tournament wins with 0 a piece. That's all I care about. So yes let's compare 4 years from now. Cause I for one think mullin will have more then 0 NCAA T wins by that time

I am all in on Mullin no matter what, but I would not bet we even make a tourney by 5th year. I hope we do but would not bet kids college tuition on it. To me 4th year will be key. That would be earliest we make tourney so that would only give him 2 years to do something that all of the ST John's coaches before him had a really, really hard time doing.

Obviously I disagree. I think we have the talent to make the tournament this upcoming year. 2 years from now and 3 years from now we can and will dance. But this is just my opinion

At least I know you won't then start bashing Mullin for not reaching your unrealistic expectations. Unfortunately that will not be the case on here for a bunch of people.
Bottom line is mullin is entering year 2 and Lavin had 5 years and they are tied when it comes to NCAA tournament wins with 0 a piece. That's all I care about. So yes let's compare 4 years from now. Cause I for one think mullin will have more then 0 NCAA T wins by that time

Come on, you are using an arbirtrary standard. For this program it should be getting to the dance. Lavin didn't do enough, with 4 out of 5 years having "dance worthy" rosters but delivering only 2 bids. Mullin will be fortunate to deliver 2 or 3 bids in his first five years, but I hope he does.

My post said that's all I care about. Me. Personally. I want to win games in March. So if salty dog wants to compare regular season records in 4 years between Lavin and mullin go ahead. I will be comparing NCAA tournament records, and frankly, big east tournament records, where Lavin went 1-5

Truth is, not only did we not win an NCAA game under Lavin, we didn't come close to winning an NCAA game under Lavin. We also under-performed in the BET. Don't worry Jack, you have 4 years at SJU and the rest of your life to lower the bar in terms of expectations and become a little more jaded. :)

Or he could have gone to Villanova and relished in the championship aura. I am sure that Villanova's applications have gone up immeasurably and they are reaping in their ROI with Wright. It is a business after-all.

Nova alums are already saying that the school is raising Jay's already considerable (for a small private school) $2.78 million or so. They aren't doing this to be kind. Wright is the face of Villanova, and he carries that responsbility with grace and warmth. His value goes way beyond basketball, and university leadership knows this and leverages every ounce of it. Wright for his part wears it so easily that of the thousands of students and alums he engages on an annual basis, everyone comes away thinking they have a new friend. Hard not to be envious of a school clicking on all cyllinders.
Jeesh! I can't believe one full year..... and some guys are still bringing up Lavin.

Hey Tony,

Please note that it was a Lavin booster that brought him up in this thread.

I think it is fair to say that those posters which were critical of how the TV Announcer conducted the StJohn's program during the last 2-3 years of his tenure have moved on and are confident of the future.

The handful of posters who defended Lavin till the end are the one's that are still in spin mode.

It is time for everyone to move forward.


I've read posts from both sides regarding Lavin in this thread. And except for a few well thought out, intelligent posts, both for and against Lavin, they have all for the most part been in spin mode.

Based on the title of this thread, it clearly has been hijacked and for a while now has had nothing to do with whether Whitehead knew Lavin was gone or not.

And I do agree we should all forget Lavin and move forward and focus on Mullin and the future. It's a lot brighter than the past was.
It's fine if you like Lavin, but if you are turning a blind eye to all his faults simply because Lavin shook your hand at an alumni function and charmed your wife for a few minutes, then you are as bad as those students who had their loyalty bought by Norm in exchange for some free pizza.
It's fine if you like Lavin, but if you are turning a blind eye to all his faults simply because Lavin shook your hand at an alumni function and charmed your wife for a few minutes, then you are as bad as those students who had their loyalty bought by Norm in exchange for some free pizza.

People should just be honest. Lavin was a nincompoop who came off as a self promoter and was disingenuous. Results wise though he was acceptable? Adequate? Considering what came before him deserving of a parade or having his turtleneck hanging from the rafters at Louie Arena? Well the first two def and if we stink for too much longer come back to me on the third.

As for Mullin. He was great. 85 was unbelievable. Outside of Berry ST john's will never see a player like him again and we were ranked #1 in the whole freaking country! Who knows if he can coach? Last year certainly did nothing to allay those fears. But who cares if maybe he won't be as successful as even Lavin was. But the truth is it was a risk worth taking.

That is my truth anyway and probably most that were alive and a fan during Mullin as a player era.
SL gave me 1 good year watching Justin Burrell and DJ Kennedy. 3.5 years of Harrison and sucked just enough for the CM era to begin. For that I thank him.
Once again people, Lavin was not hired and being to paid to simply to do better than Norm did. If that was the case he would still be the coach here. Put whatever kind of positive spin on his time here that you'd like, but the fact of the matter is that he was fired for not doing the job that he was being paid to do, pure and simple. No different than Norm Roberts or Brian Mahoney.
I shutter to think how the TV Announcer would have fared if he had been hired with the broken program which Coach Roberts inherited and if Lavin had to deal with a depleted returning roster of just 4 players, the stench of the Pittsburgh expulsions, the NCAA probation, career ending injury to his star player- Showtime, having a lineup featuring a true walk-on (recall former intramural player Phil Messier (sp?)) , the limited funding and the other negatives which the Harrington Administration provided and Coach Roberts was forced to deal with.

Don't get me wrong; I was a big critic or Coach Roberts. Coach Roberts was the wrong man. He should have never been hired. Harrington should have spent the money and hired a coach that had an established D1 head coaching record but Roberts did in fact inherit a program that was in worse shape than Mr. Lavin was hired to coach. When Roberts was terminated there was more talent remaining on the StJohn's roster than when the TV guy was fired.
I shutter to think how the TV Announcer would have fared if he had been hired with the broken program which Coach Roberts inherited and if Lavin had to deal with a depleted returning roster of just 4 players, the stench of the Pittsburgh expulsions, the NCAA probation, career ending injury to his star player- Showtime, having a lineup featuring a true walk-on (recall former intramural player Phil Messier (sp?)) , the limited funding and the other negatives which the Harrington Administration provided and Coach Roberts was forced to deal with.

Don't get me wrong; I was a big critic or Coach Roberts. Coach Roberts was the wrong man. He should have never been hired. Harrington should have spent the money and hired a coach that had an established D1 head coaching record but Roberts did in fact inherit a program that was in worse shape than Mr. Lavin was hired to coach. When Roberts was terminated there was more talent remaining on the StJohn's roster than when the TV guy was fired.

When does the skip in this record stop.
I shutter to think how the TV Announcer would have fared if he had been hired with the broken program which Coach Roberts inherited and if Lavin had to deal with a depleted returning roster of just 4 players, the stench of the Pittsburgh expulsions, the NCAA probation, career ending injury to his star player- Showtime, having a lineup featuring a true walk-on (recall former intramural player Phil Messier (sp?)) , the limited funding and the other negatives which the Harrington Administration provided and Coach Roberts was forced to deal with.

Don't get me wrong; I was a big critic or Coach Roberts. Coach Roberts was the wrong man. He should have never been hired. Harrington should have spent the money and hired a coach that had an established D1 head coaching record but Roberts did in fact inherit a program that was in worse shape than Mr. Lavin was hired to coach. When Roberts was terminated there was more talent remaining on the StJohn's roster than when the TV guy was fired.

Roberts was the Gerald Ford of coaches. Disinfectant for the prior staff.