Whitehead Knew Lavin was gone?

I shutter to think how the TV Announcer would have fared if he had been hired with the broken program which Coach Roberts inherited and if Lavin had to deal with a depleted returning roster of just 4 players, the stench of the Pittsburgh expulsions, the NCAA probation, career ending injury to his star player- Showtime, having a lineup featuring a true walk-on (recall former intramural player Phil Messier (sp?)) , the limited funding and the other negatives which the Harrington Administration provided and Coach Roberts was forced to deal with.

Don't get me wrong; I was a big critic or Coach Roberts. Coach Roberts was the wrong man. He should have never been hired. Harrington should have spent the money and hired a coach that had an established D1 head coaching record but Roberts did in fact inherit a program that was in worse shape than Mr. Lavin was hired to coach. When Roberts was terminated there was more talent remaining on the StJohn's roster than when the TV guy was fired.

Norm would not have made the tournament with the 2015-2016 Golden State Warriors
I liked Lavin and thought he did some good things while he was here.

MainMan.....you are clearly the catalyst, the Main Man, or MVP (if you will) of this thread.

You have everyone playing baseline to baseline and sharing the sugar. You're like an old boxer back pedaling around the ring and using subtle jabs to keep the contest going. You're the best marksman I have been around since my days with Jason Kapono at UCLA.
I would take all of the arguments in this thread seriously if I could get past the debate going on in my head. I thought Lavin's UCLA teams were consistently less than the sum of their parts and I cannot begin to measure what Lavin went through trying to do his new job with a prostate cancer diagnosis and then major surgery (at the same time I lost a dear friend to that horrible disease). Fortunately, the STJ hoops future may distract me from this internal dialogue.