Mr. Uzi...#1 do not call me Daze . Hear that, pal and hear it good.
You failed to disprove my analysis because my review is based on facts: what has been happening to 'libertarianism' in the USA and the 'society' it has been building over the past 40 years. I do not lean on textbook 'definitions' sir--but on facts.
Everything I cited above has occurred and is happening.
As an aside, I've voted 'Libertarian' 2x for President and voted Republican 2x for President since the late 1970s. I am not a 'socialist' by any definition--text book or real life. I am for a 'level playing field' where if you're born poor, or blue collar you have ample opportunity to do well in life.
That used to be the case in the USA for most of our history (for a tableaux of reasons), but has not been the case since the 1980s.
The gold standard? Actually, I don't know enough on the specifics of that--whether Nixon's act alone--doomed or did not doom the country to massive inequality. I doubt it though, since the experience of most of western Europe has not tracked the massive inequality gap that has occurred here.
Pinochet and Libertarianism? My God. Starkly different, right?
Eh-eh. Not when you research who was Pinochet's key advisors in setting his policies: Milton Friedman and James Buchanan. Jose Pinera, Pinochet's Minister of Labor, put Friedman's, Buchanan's and Hayek's policies into action: labor unions banned, 'freeing' workers to negotiate with employers for wages and 'benefits', privatizing social security, pensions, health care, ending 'social insurance' of all kinds--all imposed by military decree..
My point is, that these libertarians--our version--avow 'economic' liberty which takes 'individual' liberty and distorts it into an intellectual, economic and political treatise and policy to empower the very wealthy--the plutocrats--to control our society.
They seek to repress democracy in favor of a system that enhances and perpetuates their hold on the country. They seek to end ALL protections--constitutional or economic or political' that impedes their ability to rule this country.
And economics and politics are joined at the hip,man. Where the hell do you live? Political systems govern how economic systems allocate resources and to whom.
I suggest you start reading S.M. Amadae's magisterial works, 'Prisoners of Reason: Game Theory and Neoliberal Political Economy' and 'Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: The Cold War Origins of Rational Choice Liberalism'.
Then lighten it up with: Jane Mayer's' Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires, The Rise of The Radical Right', and Nancy MacLean's Democracy In Chains, The Deep History Of The Radical Right's Stealth Plan For America'.
Happy reading.
Mr chicago ... you keep committing the most egregious of mistakes. You keep banging on about LIBERTARIANISM but you recommend books about NEO-LIBERALS and RATIONAL CHOICE LIBERALS. So for your benefit, i will clarify the difference and you can perhaps see your mistakes:
Neoliberalism is an ideology that is warm toward privatization, deregulation, and austerity programs than traditional progressivism, and is most aptly described as “benevolent” state capitalism, at least in regard to how it’s manifested in the US and Europe.
Neoliberalism is not about a particular party (despite your misconception)... but it came out of the idea called “Third Way” politics. These include people like Tony Blair, Matteo Renzi, Michael Bloomberg, or Bill Clinton. Neoliberals favor large managed trade agreements, few or no restrictions on immigration, and preferences to favored industries for the "greater good". However,and deceptfully so favor progressive taxation, social safety nets (though some may support partial privatization and reform), environmental regulations, and labor rights. They believe that the government should be heavily involved in both regulating and partnering with certain businesses.
Libertarians across the full spectrum would regard neoliberalism as the most egregious form of crony, state capitalism. They would generally consider the market interventions favored by neoliberals along with special tax breaks to be highly inappropriate. Libertarians oppose allowing the government to pick and choose winners and losers..
Is the difference clear to you now?
Happy conspiring
