The Knee

The only solution is to keep the teams in the locker room during the anthem. If the players, coaches and owners want to use the anthem to protest every fckg thing that suits them they should not be part of the ceremony.
Another thing that should be publicized is what companies sponsor the athletes that kneel and start boycotting the sponsors.
The urban myth that the knee started as a protest against police brutality has now morphed into a far left/black protest against the POTUS and the White America that supports him. The other urban myth is that only whites can be classified racist and discriminatory. Korean grocers can be boycotted in Crown Heights. The racist black leaders said it was because the Koreans were not employing local blacks but were employing Latinos. Inconvenient truths are buried by the mainstream press or they too are considered racist.
What the far left should fear is that the mad tweeter Trump steps down or is replaced by Mike Pence who is one of the most conservative politicians in decades. Whether they like it or not this administration is here to stay for 4 years and to stay in denial mode while the economy improves, the Dow breaks records, etc. will leave the far left and possibly the black community marginalized in 3 years.
You can take the knee until it is calloused but you better have good reason for the American that votes to support you 3 years from now because if you are not going to be part of the solution you are going to be viewed as part of the problem. Hillary lost an election because she was viewed as part of the *Obama * problem and the political inertia over 8 years. If the America that voted in a black President twice is racist in the view of the knee takers then nothing, nada, will ever change their view. If the majority of the 14 per cent that makes up black America chooses to remain in a separate but unequal state of mind then the critics that maintain Barack Obama set back race relations over the course of 8 years may have a point.
Civil discussion and rebuttals only. ;)
13% of the population commits about 90% of the violent crime and has for 50 years.
End of discussion. Everything else is BULL####!!!!
13% of the population commits about 90% of the violent crime and has for 50 years.
End of discussion. Everything else is BULL####!!!!

If you’re going to be racist, ignorant, and rude you should at least use real statistics.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, white men and women were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crimes in 2012. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery
and aggravated assault. Here’s the arrest data:

Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Arrest Data Analysis Tool.

I bet you was so proud of your ignorant statement to right? Probably thought “I got these black people” . But Statistics ( and using stats is better than whole numbers) accounting for population shows a very different picture than your ignorant mindset.
13% of the population commits about 90% of the violent crime and has for 50 years.
End of discussion. Everything else is BULL####!!!!

Not sure where your percentages come from but the FBI last year released homicide statistics which, according to BLM and Colin Kaepernick, was the cause of the knee and the formation of the BLM movement. Coming to the surprise of no one, the vast majority of homicides are perpetrated by people of the same race.

" The share of black-on-black homicides as a proportion of black people killed actually fell by just under 1 percentage point, to 89.3 percent. This undoubtedly fractional decrease – which marked the third straight year of incremental reductions – still meant that for the first time since the start of the 21st century, the percentage of black victims killed by another black person stood below 90 percent of the total of black people killed.

Often less discussed – to the consternation of experts and columnists – is the phenomenon of white-on-white homicides. The number of white people killed by other whites rose 3.5 percent to 2,574 victims in 2015.

White-on-white killings as a percentage of all homicides involving a white victim also fell, to 81.3 percent, marking the lowest share of such killings since 2001."

The bottom line is as it has been since the end of the 20th century that 90% of the murders of black Americans are committed by black Americans. That means that around 10% of black murder victims were killed by whites, which includes white Hispanics. On the other hand, 19% of whites murdered are murdered by blacks who make up only 13.3% of the population while whites make up 77% of the population.
If your point was that a larger proportion of whites are killed by blacks given their population percentage, you are close but we each kill our own by huge percentages. Hence, when human beings begin to accept that All Lives Matter, we will all be better off when discussing something as senseless as murder. For our black friends and neighbors please be open to understanding that although white lives matter, the use of the term is not race baiting but a human fact, along with all lives.

Let's keep talking about violence and murder and get the fear level to rise. I know several politicians who would welcome such a circumstance.
13% of the population commits about 90% of the violent crime and has for 50 years.
End of discussion. Everything else is BULL####!!!!

If you’re going to be racist, ignorant, and rude you should at least use real statistics.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, white men and women were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crimes in 2012. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery
and aggravated assault. Here’s the arrest data:

Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Arrest Data Analysis Tool.

I bet you was so proud of your ignorant statement to right? Probably thought “I got these black people” . But Statistics ( and using stats is better than whole numbers) accounting for population shows a very different picture than your ignorant mindset.

LOL, you're right, black people are not violent at all. Every city floods black neighborhoods with police to protect them from white people.
I understand, looking into the mirror and analyzing yourself is hard, especially with that face your momma gave you. But hey it's easier baby scream "racist" and blame white people.
Even in one of the dumbest and most repugnant posts I've ever read 41ndone hit on something. It's about neighborhoods, not the race in those neighborhoods, but the poverty in those neighborhoods.
Even in one of the dumbest and most repugnant posts I've ever read 41ndone hit on something. It's about neighborhoods, not the race in those neighborhoods, but the poverty in those neighborhoods.

I wonder if we could hire Mel Brooks as a guest moderator.
13% of the population commits about 90% of the violent crime and has for 50 years.
End of discussion. Everything else is BULL####!!!!

If you’re going to be racist, ignorant, and rude you should at least use real statistics.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, white men and women were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crimes in 2012. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery
and aggravated assault. Here’s the arrest data:

Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Arrest Data Analysis Tool.

I bet you was so proud of your ignorant statement to right? Probably thought “I got these black people” . But Statistics ( and using stats is better than whole numbers) accounting for population shows a very different picture than your ignorant mindset.

LOL, you're right, black people are not violent at all. Every city floods black neighborhoods with police to protect them from white people.
I understand, looking into the mirror and analyzing yourself is hard, especially with that face your momma gave you. But hey it's easier baby scream "racist" and blame white people.

Why do you feel it is appropriate to attack someone for being Black just because they question your incorrect statistics? What makes you feel it is acceptable to bring someone's mother into any post on

It is this mentality that causes division in our great country. I am asking the Moderators to please delete the inappropriate posts from 41ndone.
13% of the population commits about 90% of the violent crime and has for 50 years.
End of discussion. Everything else is BULL####!!!!

If you’re going to be racist, ignorant, and rude you should at least use real statistics.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, white men and women were arrested for 60 percent of all violent crimes in 2012. Violent crimes include murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery
and aggravated assault. Here’s the arrest data:

Source: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Arrest Data Analysis Tool.

I bet you was so proud of your ignorant statement to right? Probably thought “I got these black people” . But Statistics ( and using stats is better than whole numbers) accounting for population shows a very different picture than your ignorant mindset.

LOL, you're right, black people are not violent at all. Every city floods black neighborhoods with police to protect them from white people.
I understand, looking into the mirror and analyzing yourself is hard, especially with that face your momma gave you. But hey it's easier baby scream "racist" and blame white people.

Why do you feel it is appropriate to attack someone for being Black just because they question your incorrect statistics? What makes you feel it is acceptable to bring someone's mother into any post on

It is this mentality that causes division in our great country. I am asking the Moderators to please delete the inappropriate posts from 41ndone.

We have such serious race problems, and I don't mind discussing them honestly, but if we don't start out by respecting the other person's point of view, we are lost. Race is such a sensitive topic, it's just too easy to offend the other party, intentionally or not.

You know... The ridiculous thing about race discussions on here is that no matter what race or ethnicity, when I meet you guys , you are just SJU fans, and immediately friends.