Syracuse molestation allegation

 God I really dont wanna defend Boeheim or Syracuse but since when did saying stupid things become illegal? I hope this lawsuit goes nowhere
 God I really dont wanna defend Boeheim or Syracuse but since when did saying stupid things become illegal? I hope this lawsuit goes nowhere

I agree 100%
 God I really dont wanna defend Boeheim or Syracuse but since when did saying stupid things become illegal? I hope this lawsuit goes nowhere

I agree 100%

To add to the fact that what he said was this will end up being about money. By suing Jim they're proving him right. Boeheim still should have kept his mouth shut.
If indeed the accusers were sexually abused JB did more than say something stupid. For such a high profile person to state on a national stage that they were liars not only victimized the accusers again but it has a chilling effect on all victims of sex abuse to have the courage to come forward-remember in most of these cases the victims were mere children when the abuse started. I for one would like to see JB suffer some consequences for his deplorable actions.  
If indeed the accusers were sexually abused JB did more than say something stupid. For such a high profile person to state on a national stage that they were liars not only victimized the accusers again but it has a chilling effect on all victims of sex abuse to have the courage to come forward-remember in most of these cases the victims were mere children when the abuse started. I for one would like to see JB suffer some consequences for his deplorable actions.  

If indeed the accusers were sexually abused JB did more than say something stupid. For such a high profile person to state on a national stage that they were liars not only victimized the accusers again but it has a chilling effect on all victims of sex abuse to have the courage to come forward-remember in most of these cases the victims were mere children when the abuse started. I for one would like to see JB suffer some consequences for his deplorable actions.  

You know, Stephen Covey wrote in his highly touted "Seven habits of highly effective people" the notion of an emotional bank account. Simply stated, when someone conducts himself a certain way over a long period of time, he builds up a reserve that when he does something incorrect or inappropriate you draw from that account. Certainly, if true, the allegations against Sandusky far outweigh any good he ever did. Boeheim made a dumb, regrettable comment about a guy he knew as a kid associated with the program. Maybe there was some history to make JB think he was a liar, I don't know. I'm inclined to not think of JB's career or success at Syracuse tainted as Calipari's, and I would be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt until more damning evidence is presented.
If indeed the accusers were sexually abused JB did more than say something stupid. For such a high profile person to state on a national stage that they were liars not only victimized the accusers again but it has a chilling effect on all victims of sex abuse to have the courage to come forward-remember in most of these cases the victims were mere children when the abuse started. I for one would like to see JB suffer some consequences for his deplorable actions.  

I agree but looked at objectively that is a big IF at the start of your post. I'm not saying they weren't abused because I don't know but to any reasonable person there has to be doubt based on their own stories. Unfortunately, there is not much objectivity left in the world.