I want this program to succeed as much as anyone but WTF. I thought he was pissed w the refs and pouting but was it about the kids? He better get use to it cause not even DePaul is a given after they tagged a decent GW team.And I'm sorry for the Mullin lovers and I joked about it last night but just like Desco had a problem with Lavin dressing I have a huge problem with Mullin sitting on the scorers table. It just looks terrible and I don't see any other coaches doing it. At no point should he be sitting on the table and it looks even worse when we get our brains beat in and there are 5 minutes left. If 2 million dollars a year isn't enough to get you to stand and coach then sit in your chair and coach
How is it any different than a kid being on the court and just going through the motions ?
He did at all the way back to the red white scrimmage