It's ok, I understand the midlife crisis rage it's a confusing time eh?. Let it all out. I offer my opinion on this board and I get treated like I eat babies and wear a Nazi uniform. Ever consider (god forbid middle aged men are capable) that you guys are acting like douches to me? I regularly post relevant stuff in an effort to make the forum better and give you guys information. I like to share my enthusiasm for SJ. Then I get replies like, "We get it.", "You are a douche", "Your analysis is a joke", etc. What do you expect me to say after douchey replies like that..."Thank you sir, may I have another"? I'm not beneath you and I don't take crap...I've been the man of my house since I was 14 years old so I don't have time for that tough guy crap. I'll admit I started some altercations very early on in this forum and was misguided, but I really put it past me trying to improve the content of the forum and help by sharing links and offering differing and possibly interesting perspectives. So, it's damned if I do, damned if I don't. If I act like a douche I get treated like one, and even when I'm trying to be a productive member of a forum community I get treated like a douche. Do any of you have the balls to admit that some of the guys on here have been dicks to me when it was uncalled for? I can take criticism if it's relevant and respectful, but if it's just personal attacks and name calling like I've been getting unprovoked, then that's the epitome of douchebaggery.