Don't like how political they've been getting lately, but their products are very good quality and many players would rather rock Nike shoes no doubt compared to UA. My main concerns are:
1) Can we keep the current St. John's font we currently have on the jerseys? I'd hate to go back to the huge block letters that have no character or style.
2) As one of the biggest critics, I have to say that UA gave us a lot to choose from. Even though it was a while ago, I remember Nike only giving us like 2-3 shirts that were bland and our jerseys were rarely creative. Would also like to see our stuff sold at Bob's, Costco, Dick's, Modell's, LID's, etc. locally within 50 miles of campus. I know people have said it's based on demand and casual fans don't want it, but I bet more would sell than you'd think. We are a major program and should market ourselves as one. We can get 17-18,000+ fans to games in a year we aren't even that great. Tons of alumni and tons of casual SJ fans. Don't believe they wouldn't sell at those stores.