SJU Portal Targets

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Willy Wonka Suspense GIF
Paultz said it would be this week. It's almost COB on Monday (at least for those who work till 5, which does not include me, I usually quit for the day shortly after my morning coffee) AND STILL NO DAMN COMMITMENTS! It's an outrage, I tell you. What, these people expect us to wait THE WHOLE DAMN WEEK before somebody commits?

Have they no respect? Back in the 1950s when Logen was ... well, not "young," but younger ... we just didn't do things that way! I am sure if HURLEY was involved the Mullins Revenge would be fully committed already. I'm actually not sure he hasn't already been committed, he may just be in one of those places where they're allowed to have electronic devices as long as they don't interfere with the ankle bracelets.

Anyway, BRB I gotta go get some NIL money for Matt A.
You lost me after the 3rd out of 1000 words. There is an off topic thread for 1000 words posts and it’s not my thread for sure :)
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