SJU Portal Targets

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I never got the scared vibe from Dunlap. If you want to point to missed free throws as part of that then I can’t argue. But he battled and was always willing to take shots.

I think most guys here would say wilcher looked scared more often.

They are both keepers in my mind.
Missed free throws yes unless he is just a really bad free throw shooter and he seemed to try to shoot as fast as he could even though was usually wide open. Every jumper seemed rushed like was trying to beat shot clock.
How many triple doubles do you think Wilcher could get on a P5 NCAA bubble team?
Before this last year his shooting stats were awful
Only saw him play a couple times so not going to go by that but again Smith, Luis and Kadary together seems like would be a talented team but woeful outside shooting team. In this age of basketball not sure that is best way to go.
It's the money.
Have 2 kids who entered portal, got NIL they wanted from school they wanted and committed they got better offers and want to switch. Sadly its 99.99% it's true money
Sadly, what those kids will learn from all of this is that there is no such thing as honoring an agreement and there are those who will think that’s ok. And many will also excuse this sort of thing cause they are only kids, and it’s not their fault? That’s all BS, they are not infants, they know what’s going on and should be held accountable for their behavior. If I were a coach, I wouldn’t touch those kids, and wouldn’t care if they were 5 stars plus. Kudos to Pitino for drawing the line with that kind of crap.

It’s like the woman that cheats on her husband with you but promises she’ll be yours forever, we all know how that ends up.
Sadly, what those kids will learn from all of this is that there is no such thing as honoring an agreement and there are those who will think that’s ok. And many will also excuse this sort of thing cause they are only kids, and it’s not their fault? That’s all BS, they are not infants, they know what’s going on and should be held accountable for their behavior. If I were a coach, I wouldn’t touch those kids, and wouldn’t care if they were 5 stars plus. Kudos to Pitino for drawing the line with that kind of crap.

It’s like the woman that cheats on her husband with you but promises she’ll be yours forever, we all know how that ends up.

I don't disagree but it does depend on how solid the agreement is. Every kid should be considering all options and not making promises they aren't 100% sure they are going to keep.
He hedged a bit and then referred to him as a combo guard. I personally think a seasoned PG is a big portal priority, Sim will get his minutes across two positions if he plays well.
He said he would be given the keys. Not sure if he said to car or kingdom. But I’m assuming that means point guard. It would also make sense since he knows Pitino and his system.

I agree. He’ll get plenty of playing time, some of it off the ball.

What I really don’t understand is how many on this board are always demanding the new shiny thing. Almost all players start as real freshman, growing into roles. Pitino has always been very high on Wilcher. I don’t think he’d jeopardize that relationship, barring unforeseen circumstances.
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Unless I'm missing something, both of these articles never mention starting & he mentioned using him as a combo guard/off ball next year. This jives with exactly what is going on.
Didn't Pitino repeatedly say that Wilcher was next season's PG?
In the dream scenario of Smith and Richmond, I see Smith as a 25 minute guy. He’s not someone you roll out for 30+. Bottle up the chaos and let it out at the right times.

Richmond flirting with 30 minutes. Wilcher 18-22.

There is plenty of opportunity for all three to showcase well-rounded games.

It’s not 1996…you have to play on and off the ball and you have to share and play nice with others.
With a kid this weekend so ill be off board ...not trying to be cryptic and late next week Ill explain and give details...I believe in letting kids have their moment....but this is NUTS!!! Coaches offering insane deals to kids they have never meet or visited using schools, agents using kids...all joking aside this has to stop.
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