Seton Hall Game

can someone take a breath now that we won and please recap the last 20 secs for me? thank you in advance
Smart play
I thought seton hall was out of timeouts. Sorry.[/quote

It was a smart play and i was suprised how well he coached the last minute UNTIL DOM!!!

Take the win though. Was feeling great when they were up big, but ending was demoralizing a bit.

On to Butler!
It's my fault I turned the game on with 3 minutes to go. I turned the game off during the last time out so we hung on.
did we all just see a moron start fouling up 3 with 15 seconds left with us being a bad foul shooting team .. tell me it was a dallas type dream sequence
It's my fault I turned the game on with 3 minutes to go. I turned the game off during the last time out so we hung on.

time to let kira watch more tv and not let you flip the channels