Marco Baldi on jj said Sheed was close to leaving and Lavin sent him home to think about things. I believe him, makes sense when you put everything together.
LOL - Baldi is so full of crap that it's coming out his ears...Completely makes stuff up at times just to troll St. John's fans and has absolutely no info whatsoever...Don't ever believe a word he says
Posters just need to learn to ignore him completely, but it unfortunately hasn't happened yet.
Even if I disregard Baldis statement, Paultzmans statements worry me. I don't know if Paultzman has any inside info, but he seems concerned about the possibility of Sheed not returning.
I think Paultzman knows a lot of people who would know these things. Has he said anything in the past day or so?
I think Baldi is a flat-out liar 75 percent of the time just to rile people up, whereas Paultzman is definitely not.
I personally was shocked that Rysheed came back, but that was more a feeling and looking at the overall picture than anything else. If he's not happy here come April, I think a transfer to Temple without penalty would be as much of a certainty with the NCAA as anything can be. I think he grew up like six blocks from there, and his mom's health woes seem to be documented.
But NBA talk is crazy at this point.