Robbins - Ugliness Oozes from Red Zone

Now this a post I can agree with! Redmen had nothing to do with Indians when first conceived as we all know. Chief Blackjack held an esteemed position on the court at basketball games and was not demeaned in any way. It almost honored our American Indian tradition. I think if we had changed the nickname to the Redmen Black Bears the Redmen part would have stuck. Look at what the clever folks at Mississippi did last year:

"On October 14, 2010, the mascot-selection process ended with the committee submitting "Rebel Black Bear" concept to the university administration. The university administration turned over the concept to the athletic department for further development before official implementation. Regardless of the official on-field mascot fielded by the university, all the university's sports teams will still be referred to as the Rebels. Students are less than enthusiastic about the new mascot." 

BTW, our early opponent William and Mary are nicknamed "The Tribe". I wonder if that has any Native Americans upset in Virginia?

I may not recall correctly, but I don't think the name change occured because of specific pressure from NYC's NA population - indeed they would be better served seeking rescision of the contract where they sold Mahattan for trinkets - it occured because of faux sensitivty on the part of the administration. If that's the case it's unlikely that anything but wholesale surrender would have appeased them.

It's a measure of how good people have it in this country that all the malcontents have to complain about are imagined slights and self inflicted injuries. In this thread the argument is whether hearing someone else called ghey is going to hurt some sensitive's feelings. Two threads over the argument is whether some coddled 20 year old should have his student loan debt forgiven lest he has to give up his Blackberry. Up in Boston the elite children of the 1 percent are occupying Harvard, complaining that they themsleves are instruments of institutional corruption. There are words you can't say - nigardly - because they sound like other words, and even some thoughts are criminalized on the theory that if you murder someone its bad but if you murder someone while thinking some irrational hatred its worse. Instead of all men - sorry, all wo/men - being created equal they're all made equal, because everyone's a victim. Even white men suffer reverse discrimination; soon enough we'll be a minority and eligible for affirmative action. It is in fact all a symptom of civilization dying. As individual liberty and responsibility give way to collective guilt and welfare sooner rather than later the state will cease to exist for the citizen and the citizen will begin to exist for the state. At which point will we all finally be equal, as slaves.
 Fun, I think you saw my comment bringing up Ayn Rand. I'm guessing you're a fan of Atlas Shrugged because as we progress down along this road as a country, I'm reconciling myself to the belief that if issues such as the ones you bring up are not dealt with in the next couple of decades, there may be no going back for quite awhile, i.e., until life as we know/knew it becomes a very distant memory.
Late comer to this threak.

Can only surmise that this isn't about our three-point friendly D.

Fun, I think you saw my comment bringing up Ayn Rand. I'm guessing you're a fan of Atlas Shrugged because as we progress down along this road as a country, I'm reconciling myself to the belief that if issues such as the ones you bring up are not dealt with in the next couple of decades, there may be no going back for quite awhile, i.e., until life as we know/knew it becomes a very distant memory.

I've never read Ayn Rand. I started something a long while ago, probably Fountainhead, found her prose childish, and abandoned it. If she finds herself in agreement with me, so much the better for her.

You don't have to be Eric Blair to see the concentration camps at the bottom of the slippery slope this country is sliding down. Ironically I find myself much in agreement with the Messiah, who's lately taken to chastizing his subjects for being soft and lazy. He seemingly fails to realize that he benefited from that sloth - an energetic people would never have elected a buffoon such as himself to lead them - but I give him points for identifying the premise.
Now this a post I can agree with! Redmen had nothing to do with Indians when first conceived as we all know. Chief Blackjack held an esteemed position on the court at basketball games and was not demeaned in any way. It almost honored our American Indian tradition. I think if we had changed the nickname to the Redmen Black Bears the Redmen part would have stuck. Look at what the clever folks at Mississippi did last year:

"On October 14, 2010, the mascot-selection process ended with the committee submitting "Rebel Black Bear" concept to the university administration. The university administration turned over the concept to the athletic department for further development before official implementation. Regardless of the official on-field mascot fielded by the university, all the university's sports teams will still be referred to as the Rebels. Students are less than enthusiastic about the new mascot." 

BTW, our early opponent William and Mary are nicknamed "The Tribe". I wonder if that has any Native Americans upset in Virginia?

I may not recall correctly, but I don't think the name change occured because of specific pressure from NYC's NA population - indeed they would be better served seeking rescision of the contract where they sold Mahattan for trinkets - it occured because of faux sensitivty on the part of the administration. If that's the case it's unlikely that anything but wholesale surrender would have appeased them.

It's a measure of how good people have it in this country that all the malcontents have to complain about are imagined slights and self inflicted injuries. In this thread the argument is whether hearing someone else called ghey is going to hurt some sensitive's feelings. Two threads over the argument is whether some coddled 20 year old should have his student loan debt forgiven lest he has to give up his Blackberry. Up in Boston the elite children of the 1 percent are occupying Harvard, complaining that they themsleves are instruments of institutional corruption. There are words you can't say - nigardly - because they sound like other words, and even some thoughts are criminalized on the theory that if you murder someone its bad but if you murder someone while thinking some irrational hatred its worse. Instead of all men - sorry, all wo/men - being created equal they're all made equal, because everyone's a victim. Even white men suffer reverse discrimination; soon enough we'll be a minority and eligible for affirmative action. It is in fact all a symptom of civilization dying. As individual liberty and responsibility give way to collective guilt and welfare sooner rather than later the state will cease to exist for the citizen and the citizen will begin to exist for the state. At which point will we all finally be equal, as slaves.
 Fun, I think you saw my comment bringing up Ayn Rand. I'm guessing you're a fan of Atlas Shrugged because as we progress down along this road as a country, I'm reconciling myself to the belief that if issues such as the ones you bring up are not dealt with in the next couple of decades, there may be no going back for quite awhile, i.e., until life as we know/knew it becomes a very distant memory.

Thought we were addressing boorish behavior by some of the student section, nothing more, nothing less, but now we're into rants about collapsed welfare states, an enslaved citizenry, and (God forbid!) Ayn Rand.

As for the always tiresome comments on Redmen vs. Red Storm, just look at fkaSJU's avatar and you'll see one reason why the university couldn't defend the Redmen name by suggesting it had to do with shirts, not skin.
Thought we were addressing boorish behavior by some of the student section, nothing more, nothing less, but now we're into rants about collapsed welfare states, an enslaved citizenry, and (God forbid!) Ayn Rand.

As for the always tiresome comments on Redmen vs. Red Storm, just look at fkaSJU's avatar and you'll see one reason why the university couldn't defend the Redmen name by suggesting it had to do with shirts, not skin.

It goes without saying that the world would be a better place if every message on all of the internets chat boards were about a subject that you found personally interesting, because you seem fascinating. There would be no more boring off topic posts about civilization swirling down the toilet and no more tiresome commentary about giant sports puppets. Although I am sometimes guilty myself of wandering off the reserva - scratch that - of participating in thread drift, rest assured that I too long for the days when every post was about Betel juice and nowadays wish that we, in which we I include myself, could confine ourselves to discussions of whether it was better to man to man than zone and if to zone which zone the one three one versus one two two one versus two three versus match up versus or whether some gimmick defense such as the triangle and two or pentagram and none might be a viable alternative. Because that never gets tired.

I am however constrained to point out the ancient proverb: for want of a shoe the whore was lost. The proverb does not tell us what happened to the strumpet after she lost her way, but I assume it was gruesome, as that sort of life rarely leads to a happy ending. On a deeper level I think the adage cautions all women that not every fetching pair of shoes will lead her to her prince, as did Cinderella's glass slipper lead her to hers.

Due to a mistranslation of Moliere's Richard III, the proverb has come down to us slightly altered: for want of a shoe the horse was lost, and so its meaning changed to illustrate the situation where a mere pinprick in the social prophylactic gives birth to cataclysmic consequences. And indeed history is replete with situations where this is so; interestingly, many of these are related to allegedly friendly japes and monkeyshines. For example, after conquering the known world Alexander (the Great) was brought to his knees by the Hindu thugees (from whence our thugs), who mocked him mercilessly as a catamite, whereupon he took to his bed with the vapors and expired, and along with him the Macedonian empire. Similarly were the Greeks brought low by the Visigoths and VisiEmos, whose cruel mockery caused Socrates to commit suicide by hanging himself from the branches of a hemlock tree, dooming the cradle of western civilization. And we all know the story of Nero fiddling while Rome burned, but according to the Roman historian Herodotus Nero's incredible cruelty was only engendered by his predecessor Caligula's harping on Nero's Onanism, leading the Roman senate in cruel chants of Nero Nero, boy what a Queer-o.

Closer to our own age, the French monarchy was overthrown after the peasantry misheard Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake" as let them eat c**k, that is, as advising them to sodomize each other if they were unhappy with the monarchy, which led directly to the terrors of the Jacobin. And we all know that Hitler's depravities were fueled when he was imprisoned after a failed attempt at becoming a sports mascot for the Vienna Sausages of the Hungarian soccer league - it seems that the unfortunate shape of the costume he wore lent itself to various unfortunate metaphors, the wurst of which I could not repeat in mixed company.

Anyway, I did want to apologize for my off topic posts in this thread and I promise that I'll try and confine my rants to basketball related matters in the future, should there be a future.
Thought we were addressing boorish behavior by some of the student section, nothing more, nothing less, but now we're into rants about collapsed welfare states, an enslaved citizenry, and (God forbid!) Ayn Rand.

As for the always tiresome comments on Redmen vs. Red Storm, just look at fkaSJU's avatar and you'll see one reason why the university couldn't defend the Redmen name by suggesting it had to do with shirts, not skin.

... Anyway, I did want to apologize for my off topic posts in this thread and I promise that I'll try and confine my rants to basketball related matters in the future, should there be a future.

Fun, I knew I could count on your support.
Thought I would revive this thread. I went to the Manhattan/Fordham game last week. And was surprised to hear some of the things coming out of their student section. At first it was kind of humerous but then it got the to point when they were beating a dead horse. Wonder if Lenny boy would have wrote about our students if they did the same.

Devon MacMillan is a Fordham PG. I think he bounced around some high schools but don't recall the particulars. Anyway when he got to the FT line the students started chanting-

"You Failed High School"

Then the next time the followed it up with-

"You Can't Read"

Then 3rd trip to the line was-

"Hooked on Phonics"

And they rounded it up on his final trip to the line singing the "A, B C's"
Thought I would revive this thread. I went to the Manhattan/Fordham game last week. And was surprised to hear some of the things coming out of their student section. At first it was kind of humerous but then it got the to point when they were beating a dead horse. Wonder if Lenny boy would have wrote about our students if they did the same.

Devon MacMillan is a Fordham PG. I think he bounced around some high schools but don't recall the particulars. Anyway when he got to the FT line the students started chanting-

"You Failed High School"

Then the next time the followed it up with-

"You Can't Read"

Then 3rd trip to the line was-

"Hooked on Phonics"

And they rounded it up on his final trip to the line singing the "A, B C's"
  Look at the bright side. I'm surprised their students spelled A,B,C's right
Thought I would revive this thread. I went to the Manhattan/Fordham game last week. And was surprised to hear some of the things coming out of their student section. At first it was kind of humerous but then it got the to point when they were beating a dead horse. Wonder if Lenny boy would have wrote about our students if they did the same.

Devon MacMillan is a Fordham PG. I think he bounced around some high schools but don't recall the particulars. Anyway when he got to the FT line the students started chanting-

"You Failed High School"

Then the next time the followed it up with-

"You Can't Read"

Then 3rd trip to the line was-

"Hooked on Phonics"

And they rounded it up on his final trip to the line singing the "A, B C's"

Of questionable taste no doubt, but individually directed. Not the same as across-the-board intolerant, ugly anti-gay or racist or bigoted displays that take on a whole different tone.
Thought I would revive this thread. I went to the Manhattan/Fordham game last week. And was surprised to hear some of the things coming out of their student section. At first it was kind of humerous but then it got the to point when they were beating a dead horse. Wonder if Lenny boy would have wrote about our students if they did the same.

Devon MacMillan is a Fordham PG. I think he bounced around some high schools but don't recall the particulars. Anyway when he got to the FT line the students started chanting-

"You Failed High School"

Then the next time the followed it up with-

"You Can't Read"

Then 3rd trip to the line was-

"Hooked on Phonics"

And they rounded it up on his final trip to the line singing the "A, B C's"

Of questionable taste no doubt, but individually directed. Not the same as across-the-board intolerant, ugly anti-gay or racist or bigoted displays that take on a whole different meaning.  
Thought I would revive this thread. I went to the Manhattan/Fordham game last week. And was surprised to hear some of the things coming out of their student section. At first it was kind of humerous but then it got the to point when they were beating a dead horse. Wonder if Lenny boy would have wrote about our students if they did the same.

Devon MacMillan is a Fordham PG. I think he bounced around some high schools but don't recall the particulars. Anyway when he got to the FT line the students started chanting-

"You Failed High School"

Then the next time the followed it up with-

"You Can't Read"

Then 3rd trip to the line was-

"Hooked on Phonics"

And they rounded it up on his final trip to the line singing the "A, B C's"

Of questionable taste no doubt, but individually directed. Not the same as across-the-board intolerant, ugly anti-gay or racist or bigoted displays that take on a whole different meaning.  

Our own student section used to chant "Ewing can't read !". That's a fact.
So I wouldn't put too much weight into what college fans say at games. It comes with the territory. And it's meant to be inciting and inflammatory so it distracts the opposing team.

You hope and wish the kids don't cross the line, but at the end of the day it's only words, and the players probably expect it to some degree.
Thought I would revive this thread. I went to the Manhattan/Fordham game last week. And was surprised to hear some of the things coming out of their student section. At first it was kind of humerous but then it got the to point when they were beating a dead horse. Wonder if Lenny boy would have wrote about our students if they did the same.

Devon MacMillan is a Fordham PG. I think he bounced around some high schools but don't recall the particulars. Anyway when he got to the FT line the students started chanting-

"You Failed High School"

Then the next time the followed it up with-

"You Can't Read"

Then 3rd trip to the line was-

"Hooked on Phonics"

And they rounded it up on his final trip to the line singing the "A, B C's"

I give Hooked on Phonics a B+.
The ABCs gets a B.
The other 2 efforts get Fs.

The degree to which these taunts work depends almost entirely on how innovative and clever they are.
The degree to which these taunts work depends almost entirely on how innovative and clever they are.

Disagree completely. Most people are imbeciles and so clever innovative things fly completely over their heads. Whereas even the stupidest person can be frightened and confused by loud noises or moronic insults. You're perhaps conflating the effect on the player with the appreciation of the crowd.

Eg this is clever and innovative, but it didn't effect Reddick's FT percentage.


(Some posters might complain that such a sign will cause various sexually confused teens watching at home to kill themselves, but I doubt it has any effect at all, except perhaps on the other people in the crowd.)

Storytime: there used to be around here a New York Yankees minor league team and me and my posse* used to go to games every once in a while. One time I was there with this guy S______, who weighed about 400 pounds and could, when he was drinking, which was usually, get really loud and obnoxious. We were standing by the fence along the first base line and S_______ takes it into his head to heckle the pitcher, which he does, screaming nonsensical food related metaphors based upon the hero he was inhaling, like "Oh that's a spicy meatball" and "here comes a big sausage sandwich" every time the pitcher began his wind up. The pitcher completely melted down - he had come in in relief and ended up walking in several runs before he was removed. He left the mound staring daggers at us as we laughed and laughed. He was released by the team several days later. It was the sin qua non of heckling and completely lacking in any wit or sophistication. The kicker: an opinion article appeared in the local "alternative weekly" about ugly "anti Italian" slurs that had been heard at a local sporting event. It seems the pitcher's last name ended in a vowel, which made S______ an evil racist. That he was himself an eyetie nothwithstanding.

* crude ebonics that display my complete inability to speak the queen's english
I should have been clearer - by "work" I meant "entertain."

I think that the crowd comments rarely if ever affect how a player plays, and just as often have the opposite of the intended effect.
I should have been clearer - by "work" I meant "entertain."

I think that the crowd comments rarely if ever affect how a player plays, and just as often have the opposite of the intended effect.

It definitely had impact on his game that night.