beast of the east
Active member
Your examples are poor. In Christianity, the new covenant created by Christ replaced the old. The Apostle Paul correctly chastised Peter's assertion that Gentile converts observe mosaic law. Paul's commentary, which Chrsitians uphold, is that the law never saved anyone, not because the law was false, but because no human could fullly keep the law. Hence the need for a savior, Jesus Christ, whose death and resurrection was a price and victory over sin.
I am against bias on the basis of gender, race, or sexuality. But there is a line, Theo, and religious institutions have a moral reposnbility to their affiliated churches to teach and uphold the faith they are based in.
I am against bias on the basis of gender, race, or sexuality. But there is a line, Theo, and religious institutions have a moral reposnbility to their affiliated churches to teach and uphold the faith they are based in.
Let me first say that all in all, I agree with Robbins. While I don't believe in getting completely hissy and upset about JOKES, the fact is that there are children killing themselves over the types of things they're hearing (including jokes) from their peers, religious leaders, politicians and now at things like sporting events. I think it doesn't give a school, especially in a place like NYC that thrives off of diversity, a good name.
However, Robbins' language and anecdotes in this article are a bit extreme. Comparing a joke by a student section to Laramie, WY (where Matthew Shepard was murdered for being gay) is wayyyyy extreme. His other language is very overdramatic as well (in typical Robbins fashion).
It should also be noted that St. John's doesn't allow an LGBT group to be formed on campus, so I don't want to see the school pretend to get upset about this when the fact is that they basically enable this by telling LGBT kids that they don't have the right to start a group up to help raise awareness about these exact types of things.
It's a flippin catholic university....why would they allow a group to be formed that goes against their teachings, or the teachings of the bible?? people just look for anything to b*tch about nowadays. This country is becoming a bunch of sissies and its pathetic. Children are being raised to be hypersensitive, hence the reason they are hurting themselves over words.Pathetic
So if we go your route, there shouldn't be a barber or allow someone to cut hair on campus (Leviticus 19:27), serve pork on campus (Leviticus 11:7), not plant more than one kind of greenery on campus (Leviticus 19:19), or serve shellfish on campus (Leviticus 11:11). Children aren't being raised to be hypersensitive, children by nature ARE sensitive and insecure (go read a book by a child psychologist if you don't believe this), and having people of power constantly railing against them takes a toll. This is nothing new in society so don't say "nowadays" because children have been running away from home and killing themselves for decades now because of this.