Not that there is any defense for touching a player, but in no way did Bob Knight choke Neil Reed. He did grab him by his throat, with one hand, not two as is often described and did not proceed to choke Reed.
Again, thats not defending what he did, although i have no idea what Reed said or did that caused Knight to explode. If he was choking a player, other players and coaches would have restrained Knight and ambulances and police contacted immediately.
Watch the tape. Reed defensively knocked Knights hand away and Knight didn't persist and try to grab him again.
2. The student was not assaulted by Knight, as the esquire writer sensationally charged. Kent Harvey, the student, was a smart ass. Knight grabbed the kid's arm and held on in order to tell no uncertain terms not to disrespect an adult.
Honestly, and not that it was right either, but nuns 50 years ago literally beat the shit out if kids in front of the classroom in ways much worse than the 2 events that marked Knight's demise.
The difference? Knight, like Ted Williams, Bobby Valentine, McEnroe, Connors, and a bunch of other athletes and coaches with tempers, had no problem calling reporters stupid, or behaving boorishly to questions they didn't like in post game losses typically.
Embarrassed media guys with bruised feeljngs with an ax to grind. I once complained to a hs coach friend of mine that a hs coach was yelling at one of my kids. His response was, Tell 'em you have to start worrying when a coach stops yelling at you because at that point he's given up on your ability to improve.
We all kinda wish somebody got enraged last year when players openly disrespected coaches. If Curbelo was bodily thrown out of the gym or press conference after his antics the season might have gone much better.