Much respect right back at you Panther. I do think that many tend to be overly critical of the decisions these kids make at times.Much Respect, appreciate your Honesty. I have definitely made some horrendous choices in my life.
My post was said partly in jest, but there is a huge element of truth to it. I realize that there are some posters on this board that walked a much straighter line throughout life then I have. I give those posters credit. But between my struggles, and the struggles of those in my family and my friends, I try to be empathetic to the poor choices these kids make at times.
Crazy as this sounds, I still don't think that Curbelo is a bad kid and I still think that if he gets the help that he clearly needs, and if he matures, that he can be a huge assets to a college or pro(overseas) team.
There are few kids who I believe are irredeemable. And I can't recall one kid who ever suited up for SJU who I ever felt was irredeemable.