Rick Pitino - Head Coach at St John’s University!!!

Vacarro is a very good writer and has been for a number of years . Back in the day , George Vescey was equally as good and also , favorable to the Redmen .

I use to communicate with him . He actually would write back to me , which was a surprise but , I digress

I recently turned 78 and like a number of the older posters here , we have never wavered in our fandom . But , it’s been a long , long , long time that we have had a team as successful as the current Johnnies . So , our old eyes and bones are just thrilled to see this season .
Hoping , maybe to catch a little lightning in a barrel and make a run this year.
Obviously , I’m a Alum but , Mike’s point about not having to be one to be a St John’s fan is certainly true .

Many here, may not know , but back in the day , St John’s was the 4 th all time Winning team in College BB . We were the” Notre Dame of Catholic College BB.” But , it all drifted away and we have had , for the most part , lousy teams .

Now , we have Pitino and a team that could do some things . Pitino isn’t a Alum but , he has that St John’s fervor in his DNA . He remembers what we were when he was growing up and even, when he began Coaching

It’s like Vaccaro says , it gets your blood stirring .

Must Win ? Yes , to keep this Specialness going , winning at G ‘town in necessary .
If we want to get into the top 10, losing to mid tier teams will cause us to slide down the ladder .
Let’s go Redmen !