Once again this begs the questions:
Where is the outrage???????
Where are the denunciations by our political leaders?????
Where are the protests??????
Where is the outpouring of love and support from all the movements out there?????
Why the F am I angrier at the death of this beautiful young man than those that claim to give a damn so much about young black lives ?????????????????????
Someone please help me understand this.
I agree with everything you said but fortunately I never lived in a neighborhood with extreme poverty and can't understand the mindset that comes with that.
I'm no shrink, but total disregard for the life of another human being is not a result of poverty. This coming from someone who grew up in and around some pretty poor neighborhoods(IE East New York, Bushwick, Bed Stuy, Ft. Greene). It's more prevalent in poverty stricken neighborhoods, but it's not a result of poverty. IMO, for the most part it starts and ends in the home.
First of all I wasn't condoning murder. It takes a sick person to infer that. I was talking about that communities reaction too it. I have spent some time in some pretty rough neighborhoods and lived below the poverty line for several years as a child so I know poverty, however I had the luxury to have an educated grandfather that steered me in the right direction. Look at the murder statistics in Brazil vs the United States if you don't think poverty correlates to violent crime.
The topic was the utter disregard for innocent human life that gang culture has in this country, and by bringing up poverty you are Absolutely, if not condoning it ,then at the least you are making excuses for it. And by the way this murder occurred in a working class neighborhood, not in a "poverty stricken neighborhood" so how does that fit in with the your defense of random murder? What is your definition of a "pretty rough neighborhood", you felt humiliated that as a child that you couldn't afford $400 sneakers?
You mention Brazil, but have you ever been there? The absolute poorest people in the poorest area in this country live better than a large percentage there. And that goes for many other countries, but in most of them they have Much lower crime rates.