On Sunday, Anderson sat down the entire team to watch film of the prior loss. Players spoke up as the Johnnies dissected the defeat, and identified shortcomings, such as rebounding and defense.“Nobody took anything personal, but we were able to figure out things in that film session,” Wheeler said.JohnnyFan post=453086 said:The recent criticism of CMA has been warranted, but he deserves some props for tonight. We had reached a point in the season where kids could have become disenchanted, selfish and folded. It didn't go that way and Mike did shake things up a a bit.
I also thought CMA managed Wheeler's playing time perfectly, especially after he picked up his 3rd foul early in the second half. He also had to give Wheeler some rest which he did with about 14 minutes left. This gave him a few minutes of rest leading into the under-12 media timeout. Mike also called a timeout in between that stretch which further extended that much needed rest. This was smart because we were clearly feeding off of Wheeler's energy.
IDRAFT post=453110 said:Undefeated when Nyiwe hits a three.
Fools gold /media/kunena/emoticons/cool.pngIDRAFT post=453110 said:Undefeated when Nyiwe hits a three.
The three legitimate bigs (Nyiwe, Soriano, and Stanley) each have different limitations that really call for using a rotation that maximizes their effectiveness and limits mismatches for opponent's benefit. As they progress, Anderson is figuring this out. Thank God he is a lot more patient, balanced, and smarter than most of us armchair gms who already decided the game has passed him by and he is an interim coach (interim $2 million coach).Amaseinyourface post=453113 said:IDRAFT post=453110 said:Undefeated when Nyiwe hits a three.
Dare I say our front court has some potential? I’ve loved what Stanley has given us last 3-4 times he’s gotten a chance. Soriano improving and wheeler blossoming.
and we're still missing Pinzon! Maybe he'll be allowed to redshirt if he can't come back soon.Johnny4Life post=453087 said:We finally get to see what a 10-man rotation can do with a ton of on the ball pressure. Great team win! This should be the formula for the rest of the season.
Finally it seems like the depth will pay off because, even with Champ and Wusu down last night, others were more than capable of stepping up. And we have seen Wheeler and Soriano make marked improvement to become contributors in BE play.lawmanfan post=453071 said:Do not think we can count on long range shooting from Mathis or sustained production from Coburn, but what we should be able to count on is what won the game tonight - pressure defense, effort on the boards, sharing the ball - and hopefully more offensive production from Julian.
Excellent job by the coaching staff keeping the team together and having them not only ready to play but playing that well in that atmosphere in that spot in the season.
Hope the aggression and confidence continues - if it does it may turn out that in the immortal words of Denny Green, they are who we thought they were.