(POST GAME) @Providence, Wed. Jan. 15, 8:30p, FS-1 / 570 WMCA

Heron and LJ might be our worst players which is hilarious considering what we thought of them coming into this season

I have no clue how Mike A wins any games or even keep games close with the performances we are getting from these 2
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Very poor play by Heron, poor shot selection by Figgy and inability to keep a Providence off the boards resulted in a loss in an ugly game.
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I think you run a play to get Williams free for a 3 at the end, but we could barely get the ball in bounds. Earlington and Williams got the minutes they deserved tonight.
I always had respect for him but I just want to give praise to Shamorie Ponds. He made what Mustapha and LJ struggle with look so easily.

Kudos to Shamorie ponds.
[quote="Sju grad 13" post=372625]I always had respect for him but I just want to give praise to Shamorie Ponds. He made what Mustapha and LJ struggle with look so easily.

Kudos to Shamorie ponds.[/quote]

There was no chance he was coming back but man I imagine what this team could be with him and Simon here. I’m talking top 15 team in the country. But that’s life as a St. John’s fan. What if what if what if....
Dunn just standing there mindlessly dribbling when they are trailing under 30 seconds is an alarming trend.
We were a better team when Heron was hurt. That tells me plenty. I look forward to the teams that are built by Anderson and Co. Not giving up on an NIT year this year, but damn, LJ and Heron are shitting the bed big time this year.
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Providence was trying to give us the game, but we couldn't do shit with it. We played like crap, but stuck around. That's a testament to how crappy the Friars played tonight. It can't be stated enough, as we gotta get sufficient play from Figueroa and Heron to have a shot on most game days.

Once again, I would've gone zone and we may have had a different outcome.
Figgy missing wide open 3s killed us. He picked a bad time to go totally ice cold. And it was all in his head as he even missed the gimmie foul shot towards the end. These guys need to be mentally tougher then this.
I can't understand how Figueroa doesn't self-correct on the chuck shots from the seats or the floaters from 15 feet . Surely there is someone telling him that if this continues his chance of playing pro ball will vanish. I realize it is remote but usually players believe they are better than they are...and do what it takes to improve.
And Heron... I thought he was a pretty poised player but he either panicked or had a mindset that was determined to be the hero and hit the 3. I just don't understand how these two have done so little this year to enhance their own position.
Heron and Figgy are our two best players. They are in a prolonged slump with inconsistent play. Seems like the effort is there, but with overthinking a big culprit. I trust that CMA will right this ship and have us playing better going forward.
I'm starting to look forward to next years team.
can't wait for Posh, Cole, Wusu, and Moore.

And please get Gray
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The bottom line is that this roster lacks the depth of Big East quality talent necessary to compete in every game and close with a victory,

Not many of the StJohn's players would be in the playing rotation on other Big East or P5 teams. That statement is not intended to be an insult to the St. John's players who have adapted better than expected to the several new players, coach and style of play. This group of St.John's players work hard.

Yeah we lost but long term CMA will upgrade the talent level and we win games like tonight.
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Having a closer is almost as important in basketball than it is in baseball. You need that one guy who you can trust to step up and get a bucket in close games, especially on the road.

Example: see the road game we won at Marquette last season.

We don’t have that this year. It sucks. But I feel we are gonna give seton hall, who’s stock has never been higher with this win streak they are on, a really good game.
Figueroa and Heron aren't "stars" or "stud" type players. They are quality, complementary players. Being they are the focal point of defenses makes things harder for both of 'em. They also can't consistently create their own shots, so they need to be set up on most occasions.

If we had a team full of shooters, they probably would flourish with that type of group as shooters has to be respected and it'll open up the floor for the two of 'em. I'm not upset with either one, although I thought they would be much better players but they're playing with a mediocre group and the two obviously wasn't ready to take on the scoring load we sorely need.
I dont trust Anderson to get Heron & LJ to get things in order. No knock on Anderson. Just that this is the cards he was dealt.

Maybe they'll improve vs this low but let's not expect them to become Myles Powell.

Will be a long season.
[quote="Knight" post=372637]Heron and Figgy are our two best players. They are in a prolonged slump with inconsistent play. Seems like the effort is there, but with overthinking a big culprit. I trust that CMA will right this ship and have us playing better going forward.[/quote]

They are our “best” players based on reputation not performance. Heron hasn’t done anything since he came here to earn the title of our best player. And I called him that earlier this year and I apologize I was wrong. What he did at auburn and his high ranking as a recruit doesn’t mean squat. Does he have a single signature performance in a St. John’s uniform? I remember him being decent in our MSG win against Nova last year... but that’s it?

LJ I’m not as harsh on cause he was great last year but maybe he’s simply more of a robin. It was a lot easier for him when shamorie was running around getting all the attention.
Heron and Figgy need to relax and let the game come to them. If they dont get their games together soon, coach's streak is going to be in jeopardy because we won't win many Big East games when neither of them play well.
[quote="redmaninalbany" post=372636]I can't understand how Figueroa doesn't self-correct on the chuck shots from the seats or the floaters from 15 feet . Surely there is someone telling him that if this continues his chance of playing pro ball will vanish. [/quote]

I'm rather sure he knows he won't be playing professionally, in the NBA, anytime soon if ever. I hope he returns next season, but not banking on it.