Possible Coaching Candidates

Our athletic training facility is a basketball facility with 4 courts. What else do you need to practice basketball??
After, you do some weights and take a shower.
We don't need a dedicated gourmet chef and 40 flat screen televisions.
What's next? A team of hairstylists who can braid hair?
I want my athletes to be lean and mean. I'm not concerned about where they can get a ponytail and their hair dyed.
I want them taking 100 free throws after practice.
If they don't shoot 70% or better I want them to shoot another 100 until they do.
Read my post again. What has a dedicated gourmet chef, 40 flat screen television, and a team hairstylist have to do with a poorly designed and cramped facility? Who cares whether you are concerned or not about players getting ponytails or their hair dyed (plenty of places n Queens and students o campus who can help them out) as again what the hell does that have to do with anything I posted?

You want to be a big time D1 program, then you get the coach, who gets the players and support him with the appropriate budgets and facilities. Right now we are lagging behind on all fronts.

Now since you brought up free throws, Stevie Thompson who played for Syracuse was IIRC around a 50% free throw shooter in games. They would shoot a 100 free throws in practice and his percentage was much higher. Apparently the more he shot, he would get in a repetitive mode and would get hot, something he wasn’t able to duplicate in game situations as they are different. A young Rick Pitino would run his teams through their drills and just before their water break or when at their most tired, make them shot free throws to replicate game situations.
Latest rumors have Cooley going to Georgetown. Would Pitino take Providence over SJU? Just throwing it out there...
I was reading the prov boards yesterday and obviously a few of them mention this same scenario.

Apparently (according to fans on a message board) pitinos wife absolutely despises Rhode Island. Just really have to hope St. John’s learned from the last go around and has every single duck lined up as not to get played the fool. If Bobby Hurly can trick you, Slick Rick can lol.
I was reading the prov boards yesterday and obviously a few of them mention this same scenario.

Apparently (according to fans on a message board) pitinos wife absolutely despises Rhode Island. Just really have to hope St. John’s learned from the last go around and has every single duck lined up as not to get played the fool. If Bobby Hurly can trick you, Slick Rick can lol.
You are suffering from what my three therapists call “mass formation psychosis”.

Being beaten down as a fan has caused a huge amount of stress and anxiety that has you perpetually waiting for the other size 14 show boot to fall.

It is ok to walk out in the sun and stare at the sky. For the first time in a long time, the sky is not falling.
You are now in the bargaining stage of grief. Only two to go.
I may be wrong but , Fr Shanley is too sharp to be influenced by any chicanery or , flim flam . Besides he knows Pitino for many years . And , it’s apparent by Rick’s comments that he highly respects the Dominican in Charge . He’s coming . He asked about whether the Sly Fox was still around? Recalling a conversation he had with a fellow diner in the John . Back in 87 . Lastly , Rick at 70 knows all about Prostates . Think he goes and visits Looie ? I bet he does .