By my count there have been be at least the 4 reported incident by a Syracuse University basketball player during just the past 4 years regarding crimes against a women.
(i) Eric Devendorf charge with hitting a women with a closed fist in 2008
(ii) Josh Wright charged with prostitution 2011
(iii) Fab Mellow charge with criminal mischief for damaging girlfriend's property in which girlfriend alleged the basketball star had become violent with her 4 or 5 times prior
[URL][/URL] , and
(iv) Mookie Jones harassing a women
The aforementioned 4 arrests do not include the arrests of SU players Andre Hawkins and Ron Payton who were arrested and accused of raping a Villanova cheerleader. The charges were later dismissed when the student refused to testify against the two players. see:
The 4 linked arrests of Syracuse University basketball players also does not include the many more crimes listed in post#127 0n the linked page.
In his self righteous statement concerning Penn State, Mr. Emmert pontificated that "the NCAA has served notice that a win-at-all-costs mentality in major college football won't be tolerated." What about college basketball?
Will Mr. Emmert dismiss crimes by NCAA males against women?
Does repetitious criminal conduct by members of a college's sport program under the same coach constitute a lack of institutional control?
Mr. Emmert is a double degree holder from Syracuse University.
I invite my fellow St. John's fans to e-mail Emmert and ask him whether he intends to investigate reported crimes at his alma mater Syracuse University to determine whether the multiple incidents by NCAA athletes against women reflect a lack of institution control.
In addition to the possible lack of institutional control at Syracuse University Mr. Emmert may want to take a look at the University of Virginia regarding the May 2012 murder of a female athlete allegedly by a UVA male athlete following complaints by the female student to school officials that the male athlete was stalking her. Does murder of a female by an alleged out of control male NCAA athlete quality for NCAA investigation? see
Likewise there is a seemingly neglected story regarding NCAA darling UNC's lacks institutional control concerning its student athletes to pad their credentials a major allegation against The simmering issue being being swept under the radar by media is the evidence that .
I invite you to e-mail Syracuse University alum Emmert and inquire what if anything the NCAA has done or intends to do to investigate issues of lack of institutional control at his alma mater (pattern of crimes against women), UVA (murder), and UNC (academic integrity).
Mr. Emmert's e-mail address is: