On Campus Sexual Assault Accusations

[quote="indyredmen97" post=313905]I haven't been an undergrad student at St. John's in 22 years, so I have no insight into the lives of our current students, or the on campus experiences of my alma mater (it was a commuter school experience for me and unless I was in class, I was at work). Claims of sexual assault or rape are extremely serious and need to be swiftly addressed by the police and by school administrators. Far too many campuses are more worried about protecting the accused and the institution's reputation, and this article speaks to the frustration of female students when voicing their complaints to school officials. Any student that is credibly accused of these allegations needs to be expelled immediately, even if its a star player I root for on the Men's Basketball team. Cannot have an unsafe and/or criminal environment at the University. The students deserve to know that the School has their best interest at heart.[/quote]

This has nothing to do with #metoo. It is postmodernism and radical feminism's complete takeover over the humanties and social sciences. Accusation is everything. Calling a man a "rapist" or "pedo" or something similar is enough to destroy that man. Its a tactic being employed in nearly coorporation and institution in the west. We are told "believe women" and place feelings over facts. We are forced to refifine rape to include the most benign interactions. (And note that we never alter the meaning of murder to include the unborn. )

This us just more female tyranny. Thats how I 'feel' about it. And it isnt because its Shamorie. The only reason that the rape industry hasn't targeted SJU already is because there is minimal housing, as many underclassmen simply drink and party around the corner from their parents homes in Nassau.

The rape industry thrives on BS surveys that make claims that 1 in 5 women is "assaulted" at every US campus. They never mention that the survey women questions like "do you feel uncomfortable around some men" and "have ever regretted a sexual encounter" and includes positive answers as rape.

So go ahead and pivot around with your vitriolic virtue signalling all you want. They rape industry doesnt care. Your accusation is coming too...
The truth is, for every credible and awful case that is true, there is one more that turned out to be a hoax or simply untrue. We cannot assume either person is being truthful until there's an investigation on both sides. Right now the Me Too movement is in vogue. What started as a very noble movement that exposed some powerful people abusing their power to exploit others has gone too far and there are tons of examples. Aziz Ansari the comedian asked a girl if she wanted to go back with him to his place. She did so willingly and had intercourse with him. After the date, she posted that she was a victim because she thought it was "awkward". I'm sorry, but an awkward date is not sexual harassment. A miscalculation on a man's part is not necessarily harassment. When I was in college I had a drunk woman come up to me and lick my cheek. Had no idea who she was. Just imagine if the roles were reversed in this day in age. I'd probably be the next hashtag and lose everything. We need to condemn the true despicable acts like Weinstein while also being VERY careful not to ruin men's lives over bogus allegations and fundamental changes in definitions. You can do both. I've encountered some quite aggressive women who were very forward with me...just saying creepy behavior happens on both sides but only one gender is being tarred and feathered for it seemingly.
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1. Women are enrolling at Universities at 3x the rate thatmen are. Why? If the college system is infested with rapists why are women running towards it?

2. Why are rapes supposedly increasing while men are bailing out of the universities in droves?

This is just call-out culture at its finest. Women know the prestige and cultural significance of accusation. Accusation is more powerful than anything in our society, especially when it involves sex and race.

Also, its unprovable. "Unconcious bias" and "unwanted advance" are tools for power. It doesnt need to be proven. Just make the accusation online, wait for the crowd to gather, repeat...
This is a multi-faceted discussion. I have a son and daughters, so I can say with certainty that there appears to be a considerable increase in college aged guys that prowl bars thinking every encounter with a female should end with casual sex on the first meeting. No question that guys use and to an extent always used alcohol to lower the resistance of girls to a sexual encounter. Without question many guys have had sexual encounters with girls that they believed to be completely consensual whereby the girl had no intention of doing very much but found herself in a situation that was hard to get out of without at least some physical contact.

Forever, college athletes have had a disproportionate number of college girls who they could have sexually. Likely a good amount submitted willfully, but then again, guys often think that any encounter where the girl put up less than in their eyes a token resistance was completely consensual.

However there are often the cases where the guy feels he got every signal that the girl wanted what happened, only for the girl to think about it, or wake up sober and realize she had been raped or minimally this was something she did not want to happen.

There are also many shades of predatory behavior that even the nicest guys engage in. Movies, TV, and culture have encouraged it for a very long time, and there are many reasons that all colleges should conduct mandatory seminars on this subject for male and female students.
[quote="Brian W." post=313921]1. Women are enrolling at Universities at 3x the rate thatmen are. Why? If the college system is infested with rapists why are women running towards it?

2. Why are rapes supposedly increasing while men are bailing out of the universities in droves?

This is just call-out culture at its finest. Women know the prestige and cultural significance of accusation. Accusation is more powerful than anything in our society, especially when it involves sex and race.

Also, its unprovable. "Unconcious bias" and "unwanted advance" are tools for power. It doesnt need to be proven. Just make the accusation online, wait for the crowd to gather, repeat...[/quote]

Did you seriously just imply that women should not try to attend universities and make advancements in their career because of the possibility they could be raped on campus?

That has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this site. And it speaks to maybe why women are voicing these issues in the first place.

Again, as I stated initially, the way people are being accused on twitter under the SJU hashtag is troubling to me cause it’s just this one crusader naming a bunch of people with no verification or rhyme or reason behind it.

However, your post absolutely speaks to the lack of accountability that men have in society that has helped cause such harmful discussion.

The statistics on actual sexual assaults and false accusations do not add up the way Mike Zaun has stated.

The facts are that sexual assault and rape is a problem and it’s a lot more widespread than false accusations. Listen, I’m not saying don’t get upset by false accusations, frankly I think someone that accuses someone of rape when they didn’t do it should face charges.

You can be upset by false accusations as a man, but don’t ignore the bigger problem. The bigger problem, going from a purely statistical standpoint, not “feelings” as you suggested, is rape. Plain and simple. Rape is a bigger issue than false accusations of rape.

A gentle reminder, because I feel like it’s a lost art in this time in America, you can feel two things at once. You can respect women and feel for women who go through something so traumatizing, and at the same time be angry at a woman who falsely accuses a man of rape.

You shouldn’t condemn all women and feminists and feel like your whole life is under attack just because 2-10% of rape accusations end up being proven fake. Think about it, you’re so bent out of shape because 2-10 percent are proven fake, how do you think women feel given the numbers on rape and how frequently it is happening? Have a little perspective and put yourself in someone else’s shoes, yes even if it is the other gender
Victimology sells and it also gives you power. It's been weaponized unfortunately. If I had a son, I'd be extremely nervous if he was going to college right now. It's the victim olympics and universities are scared to death and constantly give in, positively reinforcing this mob mentality. Instead of demanding evidence or being objective, they give in to the mob. Asking for even a bit of evidence and the mob will turn on you, accusing you of being part of the problem. In undergrad, I saw a protest on campus. When I asked someone what it was about, they said "I honestly don't even know". But they participated. No joke. This is what happens when college campuses are allowed to get this radical. If you look at their profiles and posts/retweets, you will see there's a clear political agenda. It's all about identity politics and victimhood even before the hashtag started. I don't know what happened and I hope to god it's not true, but people who throw around rape/sexual harassment accusations without knowing for sure what really happened should see jail time if it turns out not to be true. As I said, started as a noble movement we can all agree with, but it's gotten out of control and even liberal sites have agreed. It's easy to say "believe the accuser" until you know someone who was falsely accused and could have their entire life ruined because of it while the accuser gets away free.

That's the thing Jack...you're clearly a bright guy and I enjoy your posts. I know I make conservative points but I do have some liberal ones too depending on the topic. That said, I know it's much easier to go along with the narrative and say "believe accusers". Many of us have women in our lives and we want them to be safe. Of course. But at the same time, there's a dark underbelly of this movement that is undeniable and just because you say you're on their side doesn't mean you won't be next on the chopping block. They won't hesitate to accuse you either even if the interaction was benign. Many men are scared to death to say the wrong thing or be perceived as doing the wrong thing around women because of this. Then they meet some women who are not attracted to them because they think they're too submissive. It's very confusing and there are lots of weird signals and non signals interpreted as signals. This is very nuanced and it's a very slippery slope. We must punish those who take advantage and prey on women to the fullest extent, but we must also make sure we don't start calling every other man a "rapist".
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[quote="Mike Zaun" post=313927]Victimology sells and it also gives you power. It's been weaponized unfortunately. If I had a son, I'd be extremely nervous if he was going to college right now. It's the victim olympics and universities are scared to death and constantly give in, positively reinforcing this mob mentality. Instead of demanding evidence or being objective, they give in to the mob. Asking for even a bit of evidence and the mob will turn on you, accusing you of being part of the problem. In undergrad, I saw a protest on campus. When I asked someone what it was about, they said "I honestly don't even know". But they participated. No joke. This is what happens when college campuses are allowed to get this radical. If you look at their profiles and posts/retweets, you will see there's a clear political agenda. It's all about identity politics and victimhood even before the hashtag started.[/quote]

And what if you had a daughter? Again, I feel like I can’t state this enough, if you are worried about your mythical son being falsely accused of rape at college, why aren’t you worried about your mythical daughter actually being sexually assaulted?? Given that one happens more than the other?

If I had to guess it’s because you can place yourself in your sons situation and not your daughters.

Here’s a pretty great story that the GOAT Dave Chappelle told in one of his last stand up specials.

He said when he was in his early 20s he used to do stand up sets for drug dealers as they counted their money. One time he had a really great set and the drug dealers invited him to a back room and gave him 20,000 dollars cash. He put the money in his backpack and got on the subway to go home at 1AM.

He said he remembers how scared he felt having that money on him. He said if these people knew how much money was in this backpack, they’d kill me for it. He said he was so scared because it was the first time in his life he said something that other people would want.

And then he said, imagine what it’s like to have a vagina on you at all times. Something that men desperately want all the time.

We simply don’t know what it’s like to live like that. Which is why you get more upset about false accusations, in my opinion, it’s something you can actually grasp. And relate to. Which is understanble but I ask on behalf of my sisters and my friends and my cousins and every woman I know, don’t be so shortsighted. Understand that while false accusations are wrong, women are going through something traumatic at a much higher rate and it SHOULD be addressed and we need to help any way we can
[quote="montyaloofah" post=313842]Shamorie is one of the people that is identified as unsafe according to a twitter user. That may carry the story if there in fact is one...[/quote]

He's abused several guards this season. He is unsafe. Akinjo probably reported him.

What a joke this is. They try to rank victims by their identity--so sexually assaulting a straight white person is somehow less egregious.

And this list can be added to by anyone without proof. This is life-changing defamation.
Jack absolutely it should be addressed. Totally agree...but it was starting to. I will agree that before the movement not enough attention was being placed on the tragic cases of harassment/rape. Totally on board there. But as with anything else, some took it way too far and weaponized it. We need to ensure that America is still about presumed innocence before proven guilt. It's the only way unless you want mob justice for everything which is a very scary thought and brings to mind the Salem Witch Trials. To say that regretting consensual intercourse retroactively constitutes "rape" is absolute absurdity and it needs to be pushed back on even if you get called bogus names. I actually stopped a sexual assault from happening during undergrad, so let's not act like those who say it's gone too far don't care. This is a really interesting discussion by the way, I'm glad it's pretty civil. Needs to happen.
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Very difficult topic. On the one hand, anonymously accusing someone based on unsubstantiated accusations from a third party is wrong and credible allegations, when they exist, justify a full investigation not a punishment w/o that investigation. On the other hand as someone with three twenty something daughters and an eighteen year old son, there's not much doubt who I worry about more when it comes to this topic. As Jack says when it comes to rape or sexual assault the number of false accusations are dwarfed by the number of valid ones.
[quote="Room112" post=313916]This is scary to read, especially with Shamorie's name coming up.

Just read through the tweets. Not sure how to feel about this. It's Noble that this faceless person is looking to be a voice of others, but is also trying to spin this so that they don't receive repurcussion should the claims turn out to be false. Could easily see this becoming a legal issue for the person who owns the account.[/quote]

No, it's not noble...don't be tricked. It's character assassination. After an accusation is leveled the reputation of the accused never fully recovers. It also makes them exponentially more vulnerable for future false accusations.

We have police departments and courts for a reason. This isn't 1950. Women are believed more than ever.

In my experience 3/4 women lie or exaggerate these claims. Spend a day ina family court room and 9/10 will claim sexual or physical abuse...or both.
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[quote="Marillac" post=313937][quote="Room112" post=313916]This is scary to read, especially with Shamorie's name coming up.

Just read through the tweets. Not sure how to feel about this. It's Noble that this faceless person is looking to be a voice of others, but is also trying to spin this so that they don't receive repurcussion should the claims turn out to be false. Could easily see this becoming a legal issue for the person who owns the account.[/quote]

No, it's not noble...don't be tricked. It's character assassination. After an accusation is leveled the reputation of the accused never fully recovers. It also makes them exponentially more vulnerable for future false accusations.

We have police departments and courts for a reason. This isn't 1950. Women are believed more than ever.

In my experience 3/4 women lie or exaggerate these claims. Spend a day ina family court room and 9/10 will claim sexual or physical abuse...or both.[/quote]

Yup, I agree. This thread should be deleted as should those tweets. With or without Ponds being mentioned, it is preposterous to make those accusations hidden behind a Twitter handle with no supporting facts or details whatsoever.

Moderators ought to step in and can this, until anything official or of substance is released. This is egregious.
I have a friend that is lead counsel at a university. She has told me several times that the thing she deals with most are sexual assault claims. She told me that it is amazing how often it is untrue but the crux of the matter is that the accused often has to find a way to prove his/her innocence.

1 Story she told me that stuck with me is this: A young lady goes to the beach with her family on spring break. She takes her cover-up off and her parents see these awful marks coming out from under the back of her bikini bottoms and on the tops of her thighs. They question her about it and she says she was sexually assaulted and that her assailant had whipped her. (At this point I am thinking this is horrible, how could someone do that to another person) They wind up in my friends office. She contacts and interviews the young man accused. Of course he denies it, but then he drops the bombshell...he says I can prove it was consensual! She asks how he can prove it and he says because I have video of it on my phone! Turns out they were at a "50 Shades of Grey" party, and while she was being whipped (yes, that actually happened) she was begging to be hit harder, and laughing the entire time. Then she screamed, enough of the foreplay, somebody f*ck me already!

She lied, and could have ruined a young mans life because she didn't want her parents to know their little girl was a little slutty. It may seem shady to have recorded it on his phone without her knowing, but thank goodness he did. I would suggest all young men get a recording of the person they may be intimate with stating that they are consenting to sex on the specific date. You don't have to record the act, just the consent. If the girl doesn't want to do it, escort her to the door and thank her for the evening.
I agree there are very radical feminists that are weaponizing it. I do. And this person that did the St. John’s thread is one of those people. Just putting names out there hoping it sticks because of the recent social media trend to out sexual predators.

I agree with all that. My initial post on this thread was condemning her and the thread. But Brian W’s post was just as radical on the other end of the spectrum and I can’t stand by that either and had to speak out against it.

The truth is you can find radicals anywhere of any belief but that doesn’t mean what they are fighting for is inherently wrong. Meaning, I actually believe in MeToo movement in its purest form. Honestly I don’t think anyone would not. These women sharing their experiences and the things men did to them. I’m all for it. It’s important.

But like anything else, like you said, there are radicals that dilute what the movement should be about, and then there are people who take the movement and it’s use it’s power to make claims that didn’t even happen to them.

It sucks. My whole point on this is really just, I understand the angle of getting upset at some feminists that have taken the movement to a radical place, and I understand the angle of getting mad at false accusers. But I see things like Brian W,s post, and it seems so man get so angry at the movement they convince themselves that the majority of accusations are fake when the statistics clearly show it’s not the case. My advice is not to generalize women and view them as the enemy. when a majority of accusers simply went through something that we will never understand.

And lastly, please never imply that women should run away from colleges because of rape statistics. That is just absurdity. Claiming women should just stay at home and not make an attempt at a career because there are rapists on college campuses has to be the most toxic thing I’ve read and why I have posted these three long winded posts in the first place
[quote="Marillac" post=313937][quote="Room112" post=313916]This is scary to read, especially with Shamorie's name coming up.

Just read through the tweets. Not sure how to feel about this. It's Noble that this faceless person is looking to be a voice of others, but is also trying to spin this so that they don't receive repurcussion should the claims turn out to be false. Could easily see this becoming a legal issue for the person who owns the account.[/quote]

No, it's not noble...don't be tricked. It's character assassination. After an accusation is leveled the reputation of the accused never fully recovers. It also makes them exponentially more vulnerable for future false accusations.

We have police departments and courts for a reason. This isn't 1950. Women are believed more than ever.

In my experience 3/4 women lie or exaggerate these claims. Spend a day ina family court room and 9/10 will claim sexual or physical abuse...or both.[/quote]

But did you read the tweets? The person is doing this because they are claiming the University in the past has tried to cover these things up or brush them under the rug.
[quote="Jack Williams" post=313929][quote="Mike Zaun" post=313927]Victimology sells and it also gives you power. It's been weaponized unfortunately. If I had a son, I'd be extremely nervous if he was going to college right now. It's the victim olympics and universities are scared to death and constantly give in, positively reinforcing this mob mentality. Instead of demanding evidence or being objective, they give in to the mob. Asking for even a bit of evidence and the mob will turn on you, accusing you of being part of the problem. In undergrad, I saw a protest on campus. When I asked someone what it was about, they said "I honestly don't even know". But they participated. No joke. This is what happens when college campuses are allowed to get this radical. If you look at their profiles and posts/retweets, you will see there's a clear political agenda. It's all about identity politics and victimhood even before the hashtag started.[/quote]

And what if you had a daughter? Again, I feel like I can’t state this enough, if you are worried about your mythical son being falsely accused of rape at college, why aren’t you worried about your mythical daughter actually being sexually assaulted?? Given that one happens more than the other?

If I had to guess it’s because you can place yourself in your sons situation and not your daughters.

Here’s a pretty great story that the GOAT Dave Chappelle told in one of his last stand up specials.

He said when he was in his early 20s he used to do stand up sets for drug dealers as they counted their money. One time he had a really great set and the drug dealers invited him to a back room and gave him 20,000 dollars cash. He put the money in his backpack and got on the subway to go home at 1AM.

He said he remembers how scared he felt having that money on him. He said if these people knew how much money was in this backpack, they’d kill me for it. He said he was so scared because it was the first time in his life he said something that other people would want.

And then he said, imagine what it’s like to have a vagina on you at all times. Something that men desperately want all the time.

We simply don’t know what it’s like to live like that. Which is why you get more upset about false accusations, in my opinion, it’s something you can actually grasp. And relate to. Which is understanble but I ask on behalf of my sisters and my friends and my cousins and every woman I know, don’t be so shortsighted. Understand that while false accusations are wrong, women are going through something traumatic at a much higher rate and it SHOULD be addressed and we need to help any way we can[/quote]

This is weak. Good men shouldn't have to suffer because of violent, stupid, mentally ill, and poorly raised men. That will always exist.

Rape culture is a myth. There is nothing in our society less tolerated than child molestation, yet it is rampant. Nobody would say we have a molestation culture.

Women lie more than ever. It can be monetized now. They become heros overnight. Mattress girl had a million supporters before her lie was exposed.

I have three sisters and multiple nieces. I am far more concerned for my son and my nephews. I'll make sure those boys have an app granting unambiguous consent by the time they are 17 even if I have to do it myself.
[quote="Room112" post=313941][quote="Marillac" post=313937][quote="Room112" post=313916]This is scary to read, especially with Shamorie's name coming up.

Just read through the tweets. Not sure how to feel about this. It's Noble that this faceless person is looking to be a voice of others, but is also trying to spin this so that they don't receive repurcussion should the claims turn out to be false. Could easily see this becoming a legal issue for the person who owns the account.[/quote]

No, it's not noble...don't be tricked. It's character assassination. After an accusation is leveled the reputation of the accused never fully recovers. It also makes them exponentially more vulnerable for future false accusations.

We have police departments and courts for a reason. This isn't 1950. Women are believed more than ever.

In my experience 3/4 women lie or exaggerate these claims. Spend a day ina family court room and 9/10 will claim sexual or physical abuse...or both.[/quote]

But did you read the tweets? The person is doing this because they are claiming the University in the past has tried to cover these things up or brush them under the rug.[/quote]

She has no credibility. I was a student representative on the university judicial affairs committee. I heard many such cases including Grady Reynolds. EVERYONE is against the male from the first minute and it was like a contest of who was most outraged. I saw a kid get expelled for sending a 23 year old adjunct prof flowers--and he knew her as a student the year before.
My mistake posting this article. Mods, feel free to remove. It has no upside and is only provoking anger here.
[quote="Paultzman" post=313945]My mistake posting this article. Mods, feel free to remove. It has no upside and is only provoking anger here.[/quote]

Agree with Paultz. Take this thread down. Or at least lock it.