For top-notch journalism like the Times or WSJ, I know they have a policy of using anonymous sources as last resort when the story is of compelling public interest and the information is not available any other way.” Like in instances of national security, or instances of serious political consequences where deepthroat wasn't going to reveal himself.
The Post obviously doesn't play by those rules. If you want to criticize Zach I think it's fair to ask why he's writing a story about what other people think. Arguably he should a) write about the objective failures/successes of the program under Lavin, if that's indeed his topic, or b) write a column about his personal opinion on the type of job Lavin has done. Using anonymous sources isn't his problem (although that's not a good thing), but why is he writing a story about gossip in the first place?
To me it looked like he used anonymous sources to say the things he really felt himself. Almost as like he didn't want to fully put his neck on the line and call out Lavin himself, but instead let anonymous sources do the talking for him. Just my take.
Totally agree. It should have been an opinion column, but it's almost as if he didn't have the balls to say things himself so he made it a news story with anonymous sources.
I mean I can get it, you don't want to burn bridges with the coach by calling for his job yourself