For all the time you people spend on this board absorbing every aspect of every tiny thing, I'm surprised no one ever thinks that ADR has already shown a work ethic.
Losing 100 lbs in four years of high school, as a teenager, to even get to the point of being recruited by other legitimate D1 programs, is nothing to make light of.
Sorry, but these pot shots at ADR's weight are funny when you think of how y'all complain about Providence and Hall fans. Sheeesh. So the kid might take a while to reach his ceiling, but so what...highly recruited NYC kid, and y'all welcome him THIS way? Check his interviews on youtube, kid seems to have a high basketball IQ and drips the attitude of a NYC player of year's past.
I can't wait to see what this young man offers. Y'all got a taste in that exhibition game. Can we stop reading into observations during warmups to judge a player? After all, two weeks ago or so, one of you guys pretty much declared SJU dead forever because they didn't capitulate to Isaiah Whitehead.
as Brand Nubian say,
"slow down..."