1) Why does Pitino do a presser- which some people might consider giving reporters, and therefore fans, answers- after every game if its not part of his job? IT IS PART OF HIS JOB. He absolutely owes those answers and as a fan I have every right to be pissed if Mr. "your whole life is adversity, learn how to f***ing deal with it" doesn't practice what he preaches and explain a very controversial decision. Am I going to stop rooting for my alma mater over it? No. Does it make me not like him as a person? Yes.Pitino job is to win games, no more , no less. It is not to be liked by the fan base. He is winning way more than any other coach at SJu in the last 40 years, and took over a complete you know what program. He has exceeded expectations by a country mile. And I would never call his decision stupid , nor does he owe any reporter or fan any answer. Is he perfect, I am sure not, but he owes no one any answers IMHO.
2) You are free to not call his decision stupid. I did, and it was IMO
3) Not sure what the rest of that was all about, I said on balance I'm happy he's here
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