It’s hard to understand the Critics of nearly everthing St John’s . Trashing Shamorie Ponds on the day our Team is playing in the NCA A Tournament is totally without Class . For one thing , Ponds play in 3 Sessons and his Stats speak for themselves They are Stats of a Elite level player . He has been tasked with performing to a level that many NBA players could not attain . Yet , Ponds has done it and done it well . He has tried to be all things our Team needs on the Court . Be the PG , be the SG , the ball stealer , the rebounder and score . He gets A ‘s in every category . Way too much of posters has been that Ponds has played poorly and won’t be a NBA pick . What Crap ! First of all, nobody on this Board is a NBA scout and while some think they are , they aren’t close . Wr’ll see what happens after the season. I agree with Marillac that Ponds BB IQ is in the stratosphere . Ever consider he is shooting at any time with the green light from his Coach? And , how many times in his 3 seasons has his long 3 ignited the team to a Victory ? Or , sparked a surge ! And , has anyone given thought that Ponds has sacrificed his potential by taking on these multitude of roles to better this Team ? Not likely . Anyone taking shots at Ponds now is cheap shoting .